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rufireproof last won the day on May 1 2016

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  1. It depends. Ana's guide on this site does not include any sex options yet. If you used the guide on LL, be aware it is not as stable as this guide. If you used that guide, there are various dialog options to initiate sex. If you did the guide here on this site, you would need to also add 0Sex found here: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/69448/? After installing that, you need to re run FNIS, as it is an animation mod. The controls have a steep learning curve, but once you get the hang of it, you should not have any problems. You do have to read his instructions. Don't expect to just jump in and button mash. The controls are not intuitive. Also, Only a setup that is exactly like the guide is supported well. I suggest creating a profile that is exactly like the mod, then create a copy of that profile that you can add mods to, so you don't mess up your setup.
  2. BTW, It appears Wyrmstooth is gone. Apparently the Mod Author has pulled it from everywhere that was hosting it.
  3. No problem. Thought I'd toss them out there.
  4. Yeah. Even with this mod installed, you can still kill him. It just gives you an option. I Have been testing these mods pretty extensively. I just started my second playthrough on Anatriax's setup. Last character completed Main Quest, Civil War (Imperial), Dragonborn, and Dawnguard questlines, along with quite a few smaller quests. 40+ hours without a single CTD, hang, or problem. Current Character is a magic oriented character. I will be doing Dawnguard, Mages Collage, Dark Brotherhood, Thieves Guild, Main, and Civil War (Storm Cloak). 10 hours in, and I haven't had any problems yet.
  5. I was wondering how you guys/gals felt about adding the following 3 mods to the list? Better Vampires 7.2 http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/9717/? Royal Bloodlines http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/22565/? The Paarthurnax Dilemma http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/18465/? For BV, I use the installer, and make sure to install the compatibility patch for Royal Bloodlines, and the Vampire Drain no AOE. The two mods work together to really make vampires worth playing. Basically overhauling Vampires like PerMa overhauls the rest. I know the early versions of BV were buggy, but the mod is mature now, and works well. The Paarthurnax Dilemma is one of my must have mods. It is simple, yet a far better option than Bethesda gave us. This guy is literally one of the if not the oldest being in Skyrim, and some washed up has been of a scar faced tart says you have to kill him even though he left behind evil and actively helps mankind? This lets you rebuild the blades and tell Delphine to drink a nice cold glass of Shut-The-Hell-Up-And-Sit-Down.
  6. Yeah. I should. Most of the time I do that, I have buggy animations. Even if I uncheck the other Generated FNIS. FNIS only takes a few seconds, so it hasn't been worth it to track down the problem, lol. Edit: OK, so everything works now. Dunno what I did, but cool.
  7. Thanks, I had looked at that thread, but could not find it. It's on pg 111. I am planning on setting up another MO profile to mess with this without screwing up my installation. I have the base setup under one profile, my gameplay profile that includes a few more mods like armors, Better Vampires, and a few other immersive mods, and my experimental profile I use to test stuff without breaking my game. So far it's working well. I just have to re-run FNIS when I switch profiles, as I have not been able to isolate the Generated FNIS successfully between profiles, but I keep everything else separate by appending the name of the profile to the end of the patch name. (For example "PaMa - Play" and "PaMa - Experimental") Then I only select the appropriate patch within that profile.
  8. Where would I find this?
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