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  1. Well, I just so happen to have ordered a new video card (newegg finally got some of the RX980s back in stock after 6 weeks of waiting), and I might be able to work it in over the next couple of weeks or so. I just need the contractor to finish with the baseboards, then finish painting, then move all my furniture back where it all belongs, then go back through and finish cleaning one more time, and maybe just maybe the house will be done (for this year). I hate contractors btw. If I do manage to work it in soonish, I'll attempt to take notes on what parts need to be updated, since I am planning on a clean install anyway.
  2. First off, let me apologize for being away from the site and not seeing your post. Work issues, and a house remodel in RL have been eating all my time. Hopefully you haven't given up and will still check back here and see this post. The simple answer is not activating Dyndolod (the part I have bolded above). Nothing appears in the right pane that hasn't been activated in the left pane. With a few exceptions for things that are installed directly or installed outside of the left pane - but these are the exception and not the rule. For most items that are regular d/l'ed mods (like dyndolod is) you won't see them in the right pane until you have activated them on the left. The right pane is actually for "active mods". Somewhere buried in Ana's OP regarding Dyndolod (specifically the part I was attempting to update) she should mention activating the mod and (IIRC) moving it to the bottom position in the right pane. At that point you should be able to run TES5 and select the appropriate script, etc.
  3. Okay, no worries. I just thought I would point it out. I'm sure she'll get around to fixing it at some point (or even updating it maybe), and then our patching won't be necessary.
  4. Hey @ritualclarity, you probably want to check the OP again, since when I looked at it, it appears that you swapped the link to my help post and the video link for USLEEP. So they are now out of order and don't really make any sense if you are coming to the OP cold.
  5. Yeah, I think I see your problem, so let me see if I can help you out: In this case you need both two main files 2.11, 2.10 and the next optional "patches" file as well. Make sure you download all files in manual mode so you can use the "add new mod from archive" button. 2.10 is set up just a bit differently than how Anatriax was looking at it when she wrote the guide (she was looking at an earlier version of that mod). So here are the remapped steps you need (starting with 2.10): 1) starting by opening (adding) 2.10 first, rename it to something simple like "dyndolod". remember this name as we'll be using it a lot (all three files need the same name so they can be merged nicely). 2) chose to open it manually so you can see the file structure. You should see ten (10) folders and two text files. the folder marked "00 DynDOLOD Core Files - Required" will be the final Data folder so at the end, this is the folder you'll "set as data". 3) expand both "03 High Hrothgar Window Glow" and "00 DynDOLOD Core Files - Required" and move the files/folders from "03" into "00" like the guide directed. The author of the mod removed the "options" folder. 4) The "patches" folder is also missing from 2.10. So we'll skip that step for now. Set folder "00" as data and finish the install of 2.10. 5) Now open 2.11 and rename it to "dyndolod" so it will merge. when you first open this one it should open as data/dyndolod. Set the lower folder as your data folder. Now you should have two executables showing, and three new subfolders. click ok and tell it to "merge" when prompted. Don't replace the previous or you'll lose all the meshes and textures from 2.10. 6) finally open (add) the patches mod. set "04 Lanterns of Skyrim" as your data folder and click okay. Again, tell it to merge when prompted. You should now be done. Alternatively, you could extract all of the relevant files and folders from each of the three mods in question and create one new zip file with only what you needed and in the correct order (which is what I did), and then just install that single "new" mod. But both options ultimately give you the same end result. In fact, MO in essence creates that same new file structure (albeit not conveniently all zipped up into a single file) within its "mods" directory once you've installed the combined mod. Let me know if you have any further troubles.
  6. As always, I report back when I find an issue, and then I find the source of said issue and the solution. In this case, I'll need specific confirmation from another person following the guide - since I deviated from it and that may be part (and only part) of the issue. This post will be a bit long, so bear with me. I'm going to walk you through my investigation. The bug I found turned out not to be confined to the area around Solitude, but affected all sorts of doors (like the doors at the Riverwood Inn for example). So this would be an example of a paralax error. In this case cause by a mismatch between the texture and the mesh - because one or the other: A) got overwritten by another mod, or B) is missing, presumably because I removed a mod. In my particular case it is probably B, since I used to have all of the billboard mods installed (somewhere on here you can find my post about having troubles with dyndolod). But they were causing way too much drag on my system, so I pulled them. Strangely I like having a frame rate above 12. However, I've also seen posts on other forums taking about potential issues with "Vivid Landscapes All-in-One" and recommended that instead of using the BSA version, that the loose files version be installed instead. I'n my testing, I reinstalled the original BSA version of the mod, but that generated the attached screenshot, so it didn't help. When grabbing the loose files version of the mod, you have to be careful, since it just comes with meshes and textures but no esp file (hence the reason the d/l size is smaller). You actually need to unpack the BSA manually using something like BSAopt. So I did that, and nope, same issue. I can "kind of" fix it by turning off my ENB, but that just changes the bug to a different kind of visual bug, so that's not a solution. So at this point I can either attempt to find the correct mesh or texture that is being overwritten or is missing by hand - hard, unless you are a really good guesser - or I could just get really lucky and find the right thing in that other forum post I previous mentioned. It turns out someone knew exactly which two nifs had been affected. Specifically: /data/architecture/farmhouse/farmhouseanimdoor01.nif and farmhouseanimdoor02.nif. Drop into the data tab in MO's right pane, set both of those to hidden, and viola the error is fixed. But (and it's a nice big bouncy butt) here is the thing. I don't know when the textures associated with that nif got deleted. Were they part of the dyndolod stuff I removed? Something else? So, is anyone else who followed the guide and stuck with it having this error? Anyone else who took a shortcut seeing it? Inquiring minds and all that.
  7. To expand a bit on what @ritualclarity said above, you can compromise a bit between the spiffy and the sexy, but it will take a lot of tweaking to get things right. I've heard tales of people who are able to run Skyrim for hours with a heavily modded (300+ mods) game including all the sexy and not crash once. I either don't believe them or I'm insanely jealous or both (usually both). It took me forever to get an ENB setting that didn't totally darken things beyond measure (most people set them up for so much "realism" that the game is just unplayable for me. But then I'm also on a TV as a monitor, and using AMD graphics instead of the apparently far more common nvidia. Similarly, I took a lot of shortcuts in the various guides and dropped things like extra weather, and most of the LOD enhancements - I'm playing the game, which means I'm actively inside buildings, dungeons, cruising around, etc. I want it to look nice, but I'm not spending all of my time drooling over the scenery. Plus I'm over 40, and I can't usually tell if one rock looks weird at 400 yards any more. Now I do stop periodically to smell the roses, watch the waterfalls, or take in the sights of a thunderstorm outside Whiterun - but only for a few minutes. I'm not grabbing tons of screenshots. I just want to make the game as stable as possible, first and foremost. Then as pretty as I can make it without adding in unnecessary realism effects that I don't agree with (I have a rant on another site about the stupidity of lens flare, too much darkening, depth of field effects - especially in 3rd person mode, and even godrays). Finally, if I can add in just a bit of sexy that happens as a part of play (my favorite mod is sexlab solutions) then I'm happy. Unfortunately, I've also got a thing for the chaurus mods, not a single one of which is stable. If I put any of them into my game, eventually the save games become more and more corrupted, to the point where I can't even load them - and cleaning hanging scripts or the like doesn't help much either. Right now I've got it looking good with a nice ENB and 66 active mods (I recently upgraded to Win10 with a new processor and lots of onboard memory). None of the sex mods are active, and I've only found two issues. The doors in and around Solitude are wonky (technical term - the vertical seams in the doors get all warped especially at oblique viewing angles) - but so far only the ones around Solitude and only the doors. And I had a single crash during combat with a bandit - the game just froze and stopped responding. No CTD, just did the "would you like to kill it or wait" thing. Like I said above, I'm jealous. I've attached my mod list and load order. As always, MO tends to flip at least one of them into reverse order, so don't worry if you see the main skyrim files at the wrong end. modlist.txt loadorder.txt
  8. I've also used Unread books Glow in the past and like it as well, I just didn't mention it since I was only looking at some things that directly affected ease of game play. But I can definitely see the use of it for Legacy.
  9. Although to take my own advice about suggesting things (and yes I know that Miss Anatriax is away for an extended period) - I've always run with two particular mods that I didn't see on the list, and I was wondering if they had been subsumed into one of the other mods that was listed, whether something was supposed to work better that what I've been using, or if these are still useful. Specifically: Better Dialogue Controls, and Better MessageBox Controls When I was following the guide I would still get the occasional problem with mouse cursor off-focus issues with dialogue and message boxes, but I put both of these back into my mod list and it cleaned the problem right up. So does anyone know if they were supposed to have been sucked up into something else Anatriax had included, and I just missed it?
  10. I have used it and obviously you deviate from the guide in a couple of places. Anatriax has said that the guide is only for making Skyrim pretty (although I myself think that the *naughty* part in the guide title is a bit misleading in that regard) and not in making the game NSFW. That being said the AIO/HAP mod replaces the Kendo mesh and installs your choice of textures, as well as auto-installing the skeleton. It also installs AddItemMenu, UIExtensions, and KS HDT Hair as well. You'd therefore want to install this mod after you do just about everything else in the guide (skipping all of the steps in the guide that are covered by the AIO/HAP mod). You also have to install SexLab and several related mods - some of which are still unstable. I for one still get errors if I try to use Nasty Critters unless I toss in a fake blank file to fool it about a dependency. Typically the AIO/HAP mod should be about the last mod in the left pane of MO - so if you load it last and then jump back to Phase 8 - Wrapping Things Up, you'll probably do okay. The extra animations (and fluids, sounds etc.) will eventually cause crashes, as will the extra scripts - just from script load if nothing else (not to mention hanging open scripts, "cloak" effects running, and the like). Plus Skyrim just likes to crash sometimes. I've had it crash 5 seconds after loading a new character, checked my papyrus log and found - nothing. Absolutely no hint as to what caused the crash. Every single extra mod adds to the possibility of Skyrim going CTD, and thus the fewer the better. Adding in AIO will add several mods to your total - YMMV. ------ But like I've said, I have run with it, and I like it. I certainly don't use everything in it, but the ease of it, and the convenience of not messing with the HDT settings make it a real plus for the naughty profile. I just tend to keep that profile free of all of the other hardcore settings - no frostfall, no massive graphic eyecandy (cause you ain't looking at the trees when you are looking at the quivering mounds right in front of you), no falling snow and weather tweaks, no realistic lighting changes (makes the interiors too dark for sex in most cases and sometimes a girl just wants to snuggle beside a nice warm hearth). ----- Last word on the topic though is always going to be: The guide is what it is. She wrote it with a specific goal in mind. Suggest things certainly, but I doubt highly that AIO/HAP is going to make it on the list.
  11. Nevermind - figured it out: Okay, different problem. Following the guide and I hit Phase 8 - DynDOLOD. I've moved it to the bottom of the right panel, I run TES5 and load everything as instructed. No errors and it finishes background load. However, when I then right click on skyrim.esm and "Apply Script" there isn't anything in the drop down in the new window that in any way resembles "DynDOLOD Worlds". I'm probably missing something minor from a step much further up, but I'll be damned if I can figure out what I missed. Of course, I haven't completely checked through both of these threads yet (which I am about to do), so it's possible this question has already been answered - or that the answer is inherently obvious. Solution: Turns out it was a TES5 issue - specifically, it seems I still had an older version on my system, and MO had links pointing to both versions. The one in my toolbar never got updated, and was *just* old enough that it couldn't see (or run obviously) the dyndolod scripts. I got it fixed this morning, after finally finding the problem, and it's been running for about 20 minutes with no issues so far. Nothing to see here, we are a hedge, please move along.
  12. Just as an aside, Wyrmstooth is currently not available to be downloaded from Nexus. Not sure why, but the whole mod is simply gone. So I would remove that section of the guide (perhaps just for now) and maybe make a correction to add in mod 51339 - the link to the Falskaar (and wyrmstooth) maps with roads but only grab the Falskaar one. Edit #1 - and of course, on the other files/mods which follow below 51339, similar changes to only cover Falskaar and not Wyrmstooth to those as well.
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