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Everything posted by TheNiftyReptile

  1. Hello! Very thorough instructions on the guide so far, which I appreciate greatly! One problem I'm running into, however, I can't get TES5edit to come up when I try to install it from the archive. I've been downloading TES5edit 3.1.2 from the Nexus like the guide says, and after receiving the zipped file, extracting the whole thing (TES5Edit 3.1.2-25859-3-1-2.7z) into "%/steamapps/common/skyirm/mod organizer/downloads" where you said your TES5Edit was in the guide. However, when I go through the process of installing a mod from an archive, when I get to /downloads, all there is is a folder titled, "TES5Edit 3.1.2-25859-3-1-2.7z" with an empty folder titled, "Edit Scripts" inside. Those folders are mentioned in the guide, but I don't see any way to "Click okay, and ignore missing data when it asks" as your guide says. All I see is another prompt to open the empty folder. Have I done something incorrectly in the process of extracting TES5Edit? Or is it something else I've done incorrectly? Up until this point, I've followed your guide exactly. Thank you for your consideration of my issue. -Nifty
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