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  1. I just registered on this site to say Thank You! to Anatriax for making this full on book of a tutorial, I was at the point of giving up ALL hope.. I have to say reading threw endless piles of iffy & outdated nexus posts, that are all for the most part very conflicting in their install instructions from one mod to the next while trying to get UNP HDT-PE BBP TBBP type mods and their Required mods working properly and as intended. this entire process of perquisite installs, and very specific order of mod installs, and then LOOT split second sorting scatters them all apart and it's ..maddening I only wish someday someone makes an all in one Skyrim Naughty Immersive complete overhaul installer mod that does it all in one click. screw author content permissions .. Think of all the basic users out there having to sift threw & comprehend all this overcomplicated process into something they can possibly understand..yaknow the "non Developer scripting Guru who wish to simply play in a nice looking bug free skyrim rather then what I always end up with.. A sh!Tstorm soup of conflicting overwritten mods that may or may not cause a random CTD. AAAAAH! well at least we have this well written guide to reference until then THANK YOU!
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