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Everything posted by DragonLord87

  1. Before any of you guys ask or brought it up yes I have a account on itch.io,gamejolt & affect3D to name a few. & no no I'm not seeking approvals & you guys who love indie scenes,indie gaming scene & due to our taste in gaming,anime & manga you guys will understand what I mean. & I'm talking about playing any of my favorite games including indie games both with & without mods eventually someone will walked in on me & yes I know I know that some if not most or all of us otakus,weebs,gamers,final fantasy fan/huge fans & hentai fans either are underground,starting to go back underground &/or going back underground. Lol especially if any of you guys noticed some if not most of us are underground & some of us are making our own platforms especially Japanese indie scene & Japanese indie gaming scene including hentai games & fanservice games you guys will know what I mean. & if I'm playing any of my favorite indie games especially for pc I don't know if I should tell them,just say I'm playing 1 of my favorite games & say the name. & funny thing is my friends & my family including my parents don't even know about indie scene & indie gaming scene yet I don't know if its a good thing,a bad thing or a double edge sword. So to end it here don't worry I don't mind if you guys want to include alternatives to steam,reddit,kickstarter,patereon & Amazon & any good sites,any good vr sites & any other good sites you guys I should join,you guys think I might love & you guys think I should support thanks :).
  2. As I said before sooner or later I will get even more into pc gaming & leave consoles & console censorships & like Raging Golden Eagle I'm not loyal to a brand. Well some if not most of my friends do loves gaming too & due to my taste in gaming,anime & manga & due to my collection & my waifu collection I had to ask since some if not most of my friends gaming on consoles when as for me like I said sooner or later I will get even more into pc gaming & leave consoles & console censorships. So I don't know if I should try & convenience my friends to get into pc gaming & leave consoles too or don't bother anyway thanks for reading & thanks again for sharing your honest opinions & your experiences about your friends :).
  3. Yes I know I know that you guys & loverslab are modding communities & mod sites just saying thanks to you guys,loverslab & modding communities you guys made me love pc gaming even more both with & without mods. When & when & if I'm playing any of favorite games for pc I play favorite games both with & without mods you guys will know what I mean & lol as I said before don't worry sooner or later I will get even more into pc gaming & leave consoles & console censorships. & I want to apologize again for my rant about Soyny & PlayStation 5 aka censorstation 5 or weakstation & just want to thank you guys again :).
  4. Thanks don't worry I don't care what people thinks of me & some console fanboys,blind fanboys,console gamers,console peasants especially shills,corporate shills,Puritans,normies,SJWs/npcs & feminists annoyed me like you guys & yes I know I know some fanboys & blind fanboys will brought up Soyny & PlayStation 5 just go away damn it :).
  5. Allow me to explain if anyone especially any of my friends,Puritans,normies,SJWs/npcs & feminists ever do brought up Soyny & PlayStation 5 & starting to ask if I'm going to get/buy & added to my collection & my waifu collection a PlayStation 5 well after how Soyny have been backstabbing us otakus,weebs,gamers,final fantasy fan/huge fans & hentai fans,backstabbing our communities & worse of all backstabbing their business partners & for what all for Puritans,normies,SJWs/npcs & feminists. Only games,consoles & systems I will get/buy & added to my collection & my waifu collection from Soyny & if I choose to are going to be only used,exclusives,the classics & from 3rd party. Tbh I don't know if I should snapped & say to them if anyone especially any of my friends,Puritans,normies,SJWs/npcs & feminists ever do brought up Soyny & PlayStation 5 & starting to asking if I'm going to get/buy a PlayStation 5 I don't care about Soyny & PlayStation 5 & I don't care about Soyny anymore & to fuck off & no I'm not going to get/buy a PlayStation 5 & PlayStation 4 will be my last console from Soyny. & yes I will admit it again that I buy,I still buy,I love,I still love,I play & I still play the classics,retro games,anime classics,old school anime & manga classics & yes I'm including for pc too as well. Like some of us otakus,weebs,gamers,final fantasy fan/huge fans & hentai fans I might be picky when it comes down to modern sorry. I apologize for my a bit long rant+question since I'm a otaku,I'm a gamer,I'm a final fantasy fan/huge fan aka final fantasy nerd,I'm a hentai fan,I love hentai both vr & non-vr & I love hentai stuff too so I had to ask & if its not a good response if anyone especially any of my friends,Puritans,normies,SJWs/npcs & feminists ever do brought up Soyny & PlayStation 5 feel free to share your opinions,tips & suggestions on how should I respond to them thanks :).
  6. Even though some of my favorite games are fighting games & lol yes I'm including fan games,mugen games & hentai games. I admit that sometimes not all the time only sometimes I suck at fighting games for pc. Sometimes I keep using my favorite moves,I keep using my favorite combos,I keep using my favorite specials & I keep using my favorite finishers. As you guys can say sometimes not all the time only sometimes I spam my favorite moves,my favorite combos,my favorite specials & my favorite finishers as 1 of my ways to put pressures on my opponent since sooner or later your opponent will make a mistake & it costs them the match when you keep pressures on then you either caught them off guard or when your opponent slips then you either do moves,combos or specials well you guys can get what I mean. Yes I know some characters are speed build like 3 of my favorite characters Kasumi,Chun Li & Jun Kazama,some characters are strength build,some characters are balance,some characters are op & some characters are broken or some characters as you guys can say broke the games. Lol yes I know some of us otakus,weebs,gamers,final fantasy fan/huge fans & hentai fans will properly more likely kicked my ass & sometimes not all the time only sometimes I might get lucky & kicked their ass & yes I'm including any of my friends & any of my family including my parents. So I'm asking ahead of time for any tips on how to get better at fighting games for pc & yes I know some of fighting games for pc is harder then console versions & handheld versions thanks,thanks for reading,thanks for your time,thanks for your understanding & thanks for your tips ahead of time when it comes down to pc gaming :).
  7. Sorry for asking ahead a silly stupid dumb question & there will be people eventually start asking me wtf,what the,what the hell or what am I playing when I'm playing any of my games especially any of my favorite games & any of my all time favorite games both with & without mods lol yes I'm including both NSFW mods including adult mods,patches,decensor patches,English patches & fan translated English patches including nude mods & sfw mods. Yes there are some if not most people might not or don't reconized the games any of us are playing especially when & when & if any of us otakus,weebs,gamers,final fantasy fan/huge fans & hentai fans ever do use mods on any of our games,any of our favorite games & any of our all time favorite games. So in a way I'm asking ahead of time you guys your opinions about our taste in gaming,anime & manga especially since the mainstream,the mainstream media,Anita Sarkseon,Puritans,normies,SJWs/npcs & feminists don't even know about this & loverslab of our communities yet luckily & Nexis is already starting to do more censorships including modding communities censorship as a heads up if any of you guys heard about Trials of mana :).
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