Allow me to explain if anyone especially any of my friends,Puritans,normies,SJWs/npcs & feminists ever do brought up Soyny & PlayStation 5 & starting to ask if I'm going to get/buy & added to my collection & my waifu collection a PlayStation 5 well after how Soyny have been backstabbing us otakus,weebs,gamers,final fantasy fan/huge fans & hentai fans,backstabbing our communities & worse of all backstabbing their business partners & for what all for Puritans,normies,SJWs/npcs & feminists. Only games,consoles & systems I will get/buy & added to my collection & my waifu collection from Soyny & if I choose to are going to be only used,exclusives,the classics & from 3rd party.
Tbh I don't know if I should snapped & say to them if anyone especially any of my friends,Puritans,normies,SJWs/npcs & feminists ever do brought up Soyny & PlayStation 5 & starting to asking if I'm going to get/buy a PlayStation 5 I don't care about Soyny & PlayStation 5 & I don't care about Soyny anymore & to fuck off & no I'm not going to get/buy a PlayStation 5 & PlayStation 4 will be my last console from Soyny. & yes I will admit it again that I buy,I still buy,I love,I still love,I play & I still play the classics,retro games,anime classics,old school anime & manga classics & yes I'm including for pc too as well. Like some of us otakus,weebs,gamers,final fantasy fan/huge fans & hentai fans I might be picky when it comes down to modern sorry.
I apologize for my a bit long rant+question since I'm a otaku,I'm a gamer,I'm a final fantasy fan/huge fan aka final fantasy nerd,I'm a hentai fan,I love hentai both vr & non-vr & I love hentai stuff too so I had to ask & if its not a good response if anyone especially any of my friends,Puritans,normies,SJWs/npcs & feminists ever do brought up Soyny & PlayStation 5 feel free to share your opinions,tips & suggestions on how should I respond to them thanks :).