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Faelana last won the day on May 2 2024

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  1. Damn! Wish I was that skilled. Been trying to convert the Vegas Girl Outfit to the body type I use cause well I am playing as a Cowgirl in New Vegas. So far I have given up in order to learn more about it!
  2. Oh for sure hell it makes me want to learn how to mod so I could add a body but I am way too software dumb. But yeah like I said I hope people act better and I am still gonna have hope that it'll either come back or someone makes something like it in the future but either way I am glad Kendo knows that he is cool at least to one person in my community but eh terminally online people cause lots of problems you know?
  3. Oh 100% it's why I keep the files always downloaded so I can use them every play through of New Vegas hell hearing about it being cancelled makes me even sadder cause I would love more outfits! But it is what it is I hope in the future the mod does get to come back and I hope Kendo knows that he does good work for us!
  4. Oh man that freaking sucks cause honestly it was a rather trans positive mod. Note I am trans and loved this mod felt like I could finally play as me in my favorite game. Loud assholes ruin everything especially something that gave people some representation to feel happy.
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