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LadySmoks last won the day on July 10

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  1. Remeshing and updating my older content goes well, but slowly. Painting bones and adjusting vertices on morph meshes takes a little time and testing to get them as good as I think I can get them. I hope to have a few ready soon, but as often happens, I was distracted by... "SQUIRREL!!!"

    I play vampires in Sims 3, and have long had the long lost daughter of Vlad Tepes as the "keeper of peace" at my vampire lounge. Well, I recently decided that I need Vladislav Tepes in my world, and set out to make him. A TS4 to TS3 conversion and finishing a couple of other things I had, and...


    Working on Justina (dead wife) in a glass casket. Hope the poly count doesn't crash my game!

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