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LadySmoks last won the day on July 10

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  1. A horrible day (again)!!! 

    My husband refuses to touch me. 😭 Apparently, he got poison ivy on his hands somehow! OY!!! Guess I will be doing ALL the work for a while... not THAT unusual, but........ 😒

    To make matters worse, my gaming laptop died... AGAIN! That good old Acer Nitro which with all the money spent to fix it, could have bought a top line laptop. This time, we saw it coming, and as the local repair shop failed the last time, and my husband ended up fixing it, he had ordered parts from Amazon several weeks ago. But, laptop = made in China = Joe Biden's supply chain that is still broken = we expect (hope) to get the parts some time in September... I think of 2022, but you can never be sure at this point.

    So, while waiting for hinges and a new bezel, the screen now went to gray with horizontal streaks. Lovely. What comes next is my fault...

    Again, a few weeks ago, I got a 64 GB thumbdrive, with intention of putting EVERYTHING from the Acer on it. AND.... that never happened. So, my game and my work are locked inside. YAY for me!!!

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