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LadySmoks last won the day on July 10

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  1. So, today's fun was to take a 24" TV monitor from my sis-in-law's storage (she got it for mom-in-law after dad-in-law passed, so we have a key) and use that as a monitor for the busted-ass Acer, so I can put my files on thumbdrive.

    On my second go around with that. Set it and forget it? Not if you do not change power settings and the laptop shuts down!

    So, restart everything and watch that lovely blue circle spin! Hoefully, I have everything set correctly this time, and my 211 GB of workshop files will be on thumbdrive... in 10 hrs or so.

    Yup, bought a 256 GB thumbdrive on Amazon just for this reason! I still have not decided, but I may simply leave the workshop on the drive, and do my work that way. Of course, I need to delete unnecessary junk and compress other stuff to clear space.

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