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  1. Edit : So, i tried to go in a community lot and just place some premade rooms. And who know why, the bathtub, the kitchen stuffs, ect...work That's B.S, we agree? I came back to the house and any of the stuffs work again.... The bubble in question.... (My mods aren't not all verified and installed, is that why my sim is like that ^^')
  2. Hello guys, It's me again ^^' Well, now i have a new problem.... It's not so new but in the begining, i thought i could deal with it but now it more problematic.... Here, i can't use object like shower, bathtub anymore, for their normal function, i mean. The only way i can is by pass through the Devious Desires menu (force them to use it, in few words). Even with WW animations, the sims show the bubble with the sign that it can't be accessible.... Now, in plus these objects, i can't use kitchen stuff, chair or sofa and surely....other stuffs... Also i would like to add that my sims do nothing on their own except watch TV, use mirror, talk to each others or use their phone.... Can you help me please? I tried to resolve my other problem so i tested my mods one by one and for the moment, only mods like Wicked Whims, Devious Desire, Nisa's Perversion, Sacrificial's mods, Noir and Dark's and Kritical's objects and some sex animations are in the mod file..... In advance, thank you for you replies!
  3. Sorry....i found the answer
  4. Hello guys! Sorry for disturb, here, by using the cheat menu, I had come across options that allowed to add Generous lover/partner or Stingy partner/lover traits to the sims. I think you understand where I'm coming from but basically, in the description of the generous trait, there was written that the sims gave everything for his partner until orgasm even if it means abandoning himself and stingy...well...it's the other way around, of course But suddenly, I can't find it anymore and I don't know what mod it comes from... Do you know where to find it, please? Thank you in advance for your answers!
  5. Hello Nessa! Thank you for your reply! Sooo....well, for be clearer, I tested the mods one by one (well...ten by ten, in fact xD) with a normal family ; they're wear no clothes, no accessories, ect....No CC. The game worked perfectly and fastly. BUT, i customize this family with CC and wanted to play with them and it start again to hang on the loading screen....In fact....I don't know it it's clearer Anyway! Right, now i just add DD and another mod (Parrots mod precisely) and...it works! Hallelujah ! Well, we're not going to claim victory too quickly either.... If it doesn't work anymore, I'll follow your advice! Anyway, thank you so much for your advices and your kindness!
  6. Hello, So....I deleted the game and all the files, re-installed the game. Today, i finished to test all the mods one by one and any of the mods seem to have a problem. I begin a new game, normally, and when i want to play with the family, the problem start again! I can't run the game and it's been 2hours that the game is blocked in the loading screen.... I test again and it always blocked on the loading screen... The only thing i do differentely is when i tested the mods one by one, i pick a basic family : no clothes, no accessories, no hair and any CC. So, when I finished to test the CC, i tried to create a new family, but with clothes, ect... start to play and now it's begin again.... I really don't understand what's going on and what it's doesn't work like that. I really test all the mods and it's take almost three days but it's always the same. How can i solve this please?....
  7. Hello Nessa ! Thanks for your reply! New problem now....I can't run the game (-_-) Also i used ModConflict for see what's wrong and all the files seems to not be dangerous. Just some duplicates files to delete but nothing really alarming. So, i desinstalled the game and reinstall it today and as you recommended, I'll try the mods...one...by...on... I don't understand what is the problem....I used the same mods since the begining, just now i add WW and DD mods and some recommended animations and stuff with these mods and also, delete WonderfulWhims. And since monday, the game arrived in the sims menu but when i want to resume a game, it takes forever for begin. I waited up to 30 minutes and even 1 hour but nothing.... So if you have a solution for that, i'll be happy to read it !^^ Again, thank you for you reply and your kindness!
  8. Edit : yesterday, i deleted and re-installed all the mods + devious desires and WW work again! But problems again.... : in plus that the cheats always doesn't work, all the social interactions are unavailable too. I can't interact normally with other sims like talk, laugh, romantic interact, ect.... Anybody know how to solve this?
  9. Hello guys! Sorry for disturb, here i have some problems : 1- I don't know if it's normal but the last week i downloaded WickedWhims mod and had the normal menu. But some days ago, the menu has disapeared....I think it's since I downloaded Devious Desires but even if i delete it, it the same thing.... 2- Yesterday, i tried to play with WW mod and all the mod has completely disappeared.... I can't use it at all and i can't use any items (BDSM, ect....) I thought it was because I downloaded the TMEX better exceptions mod but I deleted all the related files and it always doesn't work.... 3 - I tried to make a vampire/incubus sim but since this morning too, i can't access to the CAS via the cheat menu like before.... 4 - I'm looking for a complete nude mod because it seem that this option from Wicked Whims does not work on vampire I tried on other "kind" of sims and on the normal sims male, it works but it doesn't on all "kind" of female bottom (alien, sims, vampire, witch) and on male vampires and male wizards... Please, can you help me? In advance, thank you for your replies! Have a nice game!
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