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1 hour ago, Elf Prince said:

She is gorgeous. And you know I'm in love with her.

Me too man, she's just so damn cute! I'm actually hoping there will be some way to transfer her into Fallout 4 once the creation kit comes out. 

Edited by AlleyCa7
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2 minutes ago, Elf Prince said:

I hope it will because you also make great FO4 screenshots.

Thank you very much, I'm not much of a modder so screenshots are mostly what I have to contribute to our amazing community and I am always pleased when people appreciate my work. :)

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Oh maaaan you are hell of the talent for screenshots. I'm not even 1% good as you are and I'm envy you in positive way. I'm always happy to see talented people like yourself doing brilliant work. I'm not a modder, nor scripter, not good in taking screenshots - I believe my only talent is to compliment others. :)

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Keeping peoples' spirits up is a fantastic talent if I've ever heard one. :) Your father was very good at it as well, I received one of his last compliments on LL before he passed. I apologize for bringing him up, just wanted you to know you both were and are appreciated, especially since I never had an opportunity to tell him myself. :(

Edited by AlleyCa7
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