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Dryads are human-sized woodland faerie folk with an affinity for specific groves of trees. They love things of natural beauty and hate ugliness in all its forms. A dryad’s grove will always be idyllic, with lush trees and wild flowers. Smaller woodland creatures often call the groves home.

Dryads prefer to flee from combat unless their grove is threatened. While within their groves Dryads can pass from tree to tree instantaneously and are practically invisible when motionless. In addition to their tree-pass ability, they can perform the following feats of magic; faerie glam, entangling roots and vines, extinguish small fires, summon a swarm of biting/stinging insects, and call for aid from any natural predators nearby.

Dryads resent the presence of humans but will tolerate elves and other fey beings. On occasion a dryad might be tempted by an attractive human youth or maiden. There are tales of adventurers losing days or weeks while in the company of dryads, with only faint dream-like recollections of what transpired.

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