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  1. you mhave it installed. didi you give the sims the fetish to milk or get milked? the mod works like other things in the game. train it. you cant go outside to milk someones breasts if you dont know they have the fetish for it. so you need to get the sim make siome dates or something and find out what he/she wants. if you want it quicker, activate testingcheats in console click with shift on the ground you want to have sex or milk sims, select DD take start sexy time and there you can choose to play a animation. if you want it vanilla you have to make it like other things ingame. learn it and train it
  2. did you activate testingcheats? if you didnt the mod dont work. CTRL+Shift+c and then type in testingcheats on and enter. then press shift and click somewhere other a menu pops up. everything is in the discreption- if you follow it right and read everythion the mod worked like a charme. installed it yesterday and no prblems. remember this mod is not compatible with whicked whims. if there any files left the mod dont work proberly
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