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  1. I figured it out, I needed the newest version or make sure its fully updated!
  2. Hey so I keep getting the message in "Devious Desires 5.7 exception" AttributeError: type object 'Age' has no attribute 'INFANT' Error occurred when attempting to handle event type '<class 'sims4communitylib.events.zone_spin.events.zone_early_load.S4CLZoneEarlyLoadEvent'>' via event handler 'CommonEventHandler Mod Name: 'DeviousDesires_5.7' Function: '_dd_override_teen_and_adult_on_zone_load' Event Type: 'S4CLZoneEarlyLoadEvent'' -> AttributeError: type object 'Age' has no attribute 'INFANT' I can't figure out whats going on and what I'm supposed to do, if theirs anything I've done wrong or missed please let me know as I'm so confused. It also doesn't let me play any of my humans sims. Respond once you have time.
  3. Wicked Whims and Devious Desires aren't compatible to play with together sadly. So you can't use both at the same time, same goes for DD and MCC
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