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Everything posted by Kumpol

  1. I am unsure of the issue. It seems for female sims if their lactation reach a certain level they can die.
  2. I don't think this issue may have been brought up. My elder sim got pregnant? Is there a way to disable this feature? I looked upon the mod setting. The closest thing I found was the ability to remove them from the pregnancy notification option. Any assistance to this matter would be greatly appreciated.
  3. Make sure to delete any cache in your Documents EA folder. They will use previous mod setting that no longer exist.
  4. Please help: 2023-08-31 16:47:40.784409 ERROR: [dd_autonomous_sim_sex_start_from_self_breastfeeding]: Error occurred while running interaction 'GEN_DeviousDesires_Milk_Farm_BreastMilkConsumption_Interaction_Autonomy_StartFromSelf_AsSource' on_run. 2023-08-31 16:47:40.784409 ERROR: [dd_autonomous_sim_sex_start_from_self_breastfeeding]: AttributeError("'GEN_DeviousDesires_Milk_Farm_BreastMilkConsumption' object has no attribute 'find_best_sim_id'") The mod is looking for some object that I have no clue of what it is.
  5. You to re add the animation inside the mods. The mod itself cannot see them properly after you move them out and back in again.
  6. To run a proper strip club, how many host do you need? How many host station as well? A lot of my patrons just hang around the host station and not much is happening. Since the last update does the establishment still requires a host?
  7. I have been noticing that EA/Maxis updates has been in the increasing end.
  8. You need to either give them the bdsm fetish to 100 value as the receiver or keep encourage them love being dominated. Once that is said and you need set the permission for you to be rough on them as well.
  9. What do you mean by missing? Is the game telling that the animation is not available? Or something else is happening?
  10. Just want to let the author realize that simdulgence mod does not work with this mod. I get black texture issue showing on my sim penis. It is simply immersion breaking for. Also, the simdulgence penis explicit stated that you need WW mod as requirement? Is there an alternative when the mods are contradicting one another? If anyone has a simpledulgence penis that is working for me them. It is possible to have it here or will that cause issue? Since I somewhat familiar with the fallout between Turbo and Devious philosophical differences.
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