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Everything posted by Sasquatch

  1. Forgot to say thanks for fixing the cum layers issue I mentioned last visit. Makes a major difference in the game.
  2. Absolutely blows my mind that barely a day after one of the biggest patches ever, CN has everything updated and ready to go. Well, I assume it's ready. Just finished updating my game, haven't tested it yet. But I have faith. Kudos.
  3. It looks like it was outside interference. I already had two of the animation packs installed that came with the DD download. I also had an old censor mosaic remover still installed. Pulled all of that out of my mods folder, left the game run overnight, no sign of the perma-horny state this morning. No idea how any of those things could have caused such a problem. But I've learned that the interactions between mods/CC are extremely unpredictable.
  4. What does it take to ensure an orgasm? It's set to end the animation after every participant has had at least one orgasm. But she would still be aroused after the animation ended. It was kind of bizarre. She would immediately start rubbing herself again after the animation ended. I tried everything from solo up to a 4-way to sate her needs, without success. She'd do 3-4 consecutive sessions without quenching her thirst. I did manage to stop it from being game-breaking by disabling the reaction to the motive. So the moodlet is still there, but she carries on about her business. Looking at the json files, almost all the motives are over 75. It seems they ramp up as expected, but don't drop back down for some reason. I don't know if there's a way for some mod to cause this. Maybe the "disable household needs decay" cheat is stopping this motive from "decaying"?
  5. I fixed the problem, although I can't quite say I did so deliberately. I deleted all the json files in the mod_data folder. That got rid of the locked moodlet. But it was definitely like using artillery to kill a fly. Out of curiosity, could those json files be manipulated by other software? I found some WW residue lurking in another folder. I know he likes to tamper with DD.
  6. Fresh download didn't fix it. Created a new sim in a different save, played a couple hours, got the "high arousal" moodlet. It's completely game-breaking and I have no idea where to look for the problem. I don't have any other mods that would obviously interfere with DD. It can't be a bug in DD, or other folks would be talking about the same problem. The only thing I can think of is that something which tweaks wants is preventing sims from satisfying this moodlet somehow. But the UI cheat mod should still dismiss the moodlet and it doesn't. It's almost like a deliberate hack.
  7. Had an interesting issue just a minute ago. The chick I was playing suddenly "needed" sex, which isn't unusual. What was unusual is that the moodlet would not go away. She would stop whatever she was doing, start rubbing herself, then run around looking for someone to mount. As soon as she finished, she'd start over again. I couldn't even manually dismiss the moodlet with the UI cheat that lets me right-click to dismiss moodlets. Jumped to another household, had the same problem with a second chick. Closed the game, deleted the cache files, pulled the DD script and package from the mods folder, opened the game again. Going to delete the cache files again, redownload DD, see what happens. I have no idea what triggered it. I had been playing for hours with zero errors of any kind. Don't know if a fresh copy of DD will fix it, but I don't know what else to try.
  8. Overall, I much prefer the way DD operates compared to WW. But, at the moment, I am having a great deal of frustration with it. I'll click a location, it will show 400+ available animations, but when I try to send somebody there to sex it up, it says no animations available. This happens at every location I try. I either get "no animations available" or, when I find a spot that works, there is one single animation that repeats until time runs out. I can't advance animations because there is nothing to advance to. I have over 4,000 animations. I know there's enough for my Sims to do whatever strikes their fancy in any room in the house. But it just doesn't happen. Could this be related to the recent patch issue? Or maybe some other mod somehow messing with the selector? I don't have WW installed, so that isn't it.
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