Had an interesting issue just a minute ago. The chick I was playing suddenly "needed" sex, which isn't unusual. What was unusual is that the moodlet would not go away. She would stop whatever she was doing, start rubbing herself, then run around looking for someone to mount. As soon as she finished, she'd start over again. I couldn't even manually dismiss the moodlet with the UI cheat that lets me right-click to dismiss moodlets. Jumped to another household, had the same problem with a second chick. Closed the game, deleted the cache files, pulled the DD script and package from the mods folder, opened the game again. Going to delete the cache files again, redownload DD, see what happens. I have no idea what triggered it. I had been playing for hours with zero errors of any kind. Don't know if a fresh copy of DD will fix it, but I don't know what else to try.