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Everything posted by mrwarthos

  1. I'll agree with you on this one. It clearly states that the current supported MO for the guide is 1.3.8. I asked a question that had already been answered. I've been reading your guide extensively, missed points, and that has led me to error, but thank you for getting back to me on it. Yikes, yep the id button is there clear as day, its even in the picture I took. I swear I have tunnel vision. I'll post a pic of what got me so confused. as for this part of the guide, I'd say that step 1 would have to be removed to follow steps 2 and 3. Otherwise, yes the id pic is right there at the top and your instructions are thorough. The whole 1.3.11 MO issue was me making an assumption I shouldn't have, but as for my problem with Phase 2 I did follow your instructions to the letter. I'll post a copy of the section (also included in the picture) that I was having trouble with. Next we're going to do a few other things to set up MO. 1) Click the wrench again, and go to the Workarounds tab. 2) Click the ID picture at the top (Configure Profiles, when you hover over it). 3) Check "Automatic Archive Invalidation" for the default profle. --You can rename it to whatever you like. Mine is simply "Anatriax"-- If I follow Step 1 and go to the Workarounds tab, I can't follow Step 2 and click on the ID picture outside of the tab. If I try, the screen flashes and doesn't open it. I'd have to close the workarounds window first. Now, I didn't think to close a window the guide tells me to have open. I thought, "There must be an ID picture at the top of the window for the Workarounds tab. Otherwise, why would I have it open?" I got confused, and the solution "Ignore Step 1 and just click on the ID card at the top of the main MO page" didn't occur to me. Why? Because I was certain that step 1 was right and I was looking at it wrong. Now, I'll admit I've been making mountains out of mole hills, but I am new at this and certain simple fixes don't look like mole hills at first. Now it's obvious and I have experienced modders like you to thank for helping me through it.
  2. Thanks for the reply. My next question is about automatic archive invalidation at the beginning of phase 2. There are instructions here that seem to conflict with the supported version 1.3.8 of mod organizer. I'll post a picture to clarify. On the right side of the image I have the guide open to phase 2 where I think it conflicts with MO. Apparently I can just click on the button 'Back-date BSAs' to get the same result as the second set of steps 2 and 3. If that does not achieve the same results as the instructions please let me know. Edit: I'm guessing I'm right about the Back-date BSAs thing, so here's another bit I have a question about. At the end of phase 2 there is a link to download the 'Another Sorting Mod -2016' file. It's had a recent update and now requires a mod called 'Cutting Room Floor.esp.' Here's a couple of links to Another Sorting Mod and Cutting Room Floor. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/72428/? ASM http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/47327/? CRF Question is, is it safe to continue without downloading cutting room floor (since it's not on the guide)?
  3. I'll try to clarify with images. The first image shows me compressing the data folder into a zipped folder for phase 1/SKSE section/step 3 The 2nd picture shows my confusion with zipped folders (I've never done this before). I thought the Data folder would be sent into a zipped folder. Instead, I get a copy of the Data folder zipped into an archive and the original Data folder is still there unzipped. The 3rd picture shows me copying everything but the zipped folder and pasting it all into the skyrim folder. Now, there is a zipped data folder (now called SKSE) and an unzipped data folder. Does the unzipped data folder get copied with the rest of the folders and pasted into the skyrim folder? That was one of my problems. I figured I was right about steps 4-8 I just wanted to double check.
  4. New mod user here, so I'll probably have more than a few questions. In phase 1 we've got a link for mod organizer and the guide says the current supported version is 1.3.8. I've checked the nexus and the latest version is 1.3.11. Now, can I download mod organizer 1.3.11 or do I absolutely need to download 1.3.8? Edit: I've downloaded 1.3.8 and moved on to the instructions for SKSE in phase 1. From here on out just assume that I know next to nothing about how all this stuff works. In step 3 for SKSE I am instructed to right click and make "Data" either a .zip or .7z Archive and to name it SKSE. I right clicked the folder Data and chose the option 'Send to compressed (zip) folder.' That made a new file named Data. Is that right? From the instructions I thought the Data folder itself was going to change into a zip file. Instead, it just added a new zip folder and left the old one alone. Moving on. I follow steps 4-7. After I finish step 7 by clicking on the zip file to be installed into Mod Organizer, the next window that pops up is the Quick Install window. According to step 8 I should be able to right click "SKSE" and set data directory but I can't. If I click the manual button it opens up a new window with red "No game data on top level." On that window I can right click the tab and set data directory and get the green "Looks good" bit. Basically, unless I didn't follow it right, I had to take an extra step that wasn't mentioned in the guide to get the result. Being completely new to all this, I'm trying to follow the guide to the letter and am afraid this will bite me down the road of this extensive set up.
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