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Zerd1234 last won the day on August 21 2021

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  1. It's actually not bothering me anymore since I realized I just have to avoid categories that only have a custom option, but if you're still curious here's how I recreate the glitch.
  2. But it does the same thing whether I use your interface to change clothes or something like MC Command Center.
  3. I think I have isolated exactly what is causing this DD bikini glitch to happen... earlier I said it was using the blue box options to change the nude look was what was causing the glitch... but after further testing it's specifically the ones that only have a custom option... so like 'mouth' doesn't break anything because it has a 'none' option, but 'full body' does cause the glitch because it has nothing other than a custom option to choose
  4. I have removed everything except dd and community library, it is still overwriting outfits with the dd bikini.
  5. It's only happening to people whom I alter the the blue box body parts on (i.e. full body, head), which is a feature unique to DD... how would I go about replicating this if i removed DD? - ADDED - I thought it might be the 'select custom part from cas' thing that was doing it, but when I did that with a purple box item like 'breast' it still works fine, it's only when i select something from the blue boxes that it starts overwriting everything with the DD bikini.
  6. Hey, so 2 things, an issue and a suggestion/request: 1) The Issue: When I try to use the Outfit-Body Part selector to select things like shoes or hats or leggings that I never want to come off even when nude, I get a great nude effect... but then whenever I try to change back into normal clothes it overrides my outfit with this new DD bikini I've never seen before, and if I keep changing through outfits eventually the bikini goes away but by that time all the outfits I spent effort on are gone too. 2) The request: I love that you added underwear in, but is there any way that it could be implemented in such a way that I could choose different underwear for different outfits?
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