OK, duh. Ignore 1 & 2, and also 4 & most of 5.
The animations aren't loading is my only issue.
This is great because it means I installed it mostly right. I must have the animations in the wrong spot but can't figure out where I went wrong. Here is the path of my animation files:
Mods/mod_data/deviousdesires/animation_customization (all files from the v3.9 folder are in here)
Mods/mod_data/deviousdesires/cas_part_customatizations (all files from the v3.9 folder are in here)
The other files are in:
Mods/deviousdesires_features (the 2 packages I chose, dirty & kinky)
Plus, all the other mod requirements
If you want to know the dumb mistake I made with configuring the Sims, the instructions say to press SHIFT + Click, but I'm on a Mac and it's always COMMAND + Click, so I finally (admittedly after 24 hours of first trying to configure) did what the words said and hit SHIFT instead of COMMAND and wouldn't you know it? it worked. Nicely done Colonel! So, my SIMS want some CBT but the animations aren't there for it. LOL. Hopefully, you can see the error I'm still committing in the paths I laid out above. Thank you for your patience. Sorry if I'm cluttering up the topic.