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  1. Hello. I just installed this mod. For now, everything works fine, except for "rough sex" option. This option does not appear in the pie menu (have checked "Romantic" pie menu, all menu related to DD, includes SHIFT KEY + CLICK). I did the correct installation and all of requirements are complete. I followed the instructions given. I also checked the settings on and off, and I also tried to restart the program to respond to the setting changes. I am using latest version of this game. Consent is OK in both characters. Regardless of relationship status (low friendship, High romantic/ high friendship, high romantic) it is the same. I am not sure if this option is also keeping me from performing other related "Dom /Sub" actions but I also cannot view the actions. I would appreciate any help. Thank you very much. I like this mod a lot. (Sorry for my poor English Some parts are machine translated.)
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