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Everything posted by Phoenix1720

  1. I have the mod working. However, it's not loading animations. They refuse to load. No errors. Just refusing to take any animations. The only issue I can see is that my mods and game files are on different drives on the same computer. But all other mods work fine including WW. I'm not sure what is going on. I have it working on another computer just fine. The only different vetween the two is where the actual game files were downloaded too. Would that cause an issue? Edit: you do in fact have to have the mods and game files in the same drive. Mod registers as 0 animations still but I do have access to them now. Sucks for those trying to concerve space on tiny ssd
  2. I have the mod working. However, it's not loading animations. They refuse to load. No errors. Just refusing to take any animations. The only issue I can see is that my mods and game files are on different drives on the same computer. But all other mods work fine including WW. I'm not sure what is going on. I have it working on another computer just fine. The only different vetween the two is where the actual game files were downloaded too. Would that cause an issue? Edit: I did some juggling. You do indeed have to have game files and mod files on the same drive. Which sucks for those of us who like to operate like I do.
  3. I am having issues with certain animations not showing in game. Are they linked to specific pieces of furniture?
  4. I got it working no problem but Im having issues with animations I can only get barelyalive animations to load when I know ive got several more. Some were from the WP days. Anyone got any tips? Specifically a Female Sim on a Male Dog. I have all animations downloaded and in the correct folder but they won't show? @ColonolNutty I search for the animations by creator and nothing but barelyalive comes up.
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