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  1. sorry but I have some troubles with devious desires 4.3.2 and its that I get an error called DD ERROR: MISSING THIRD PARTY BODY and asks me to download the NOIR. REAL GENS AND EVE BODY. but I download them and the same error continues. Probably not download the right ones so I wanted to know if you could help me with the download links that that needs. HERE ARE THE ERRORS I HAVE HAD. : ) DeviousDesires_4.3.2_Exceptions.txt DeviousDesires_4.3.2_Messages.txt
  2. hello ColonolNutty I have been presenting problems with the deviousdesires_wickedwhims_loader.ts4script file since it appears as an error and makes it impossible to use the mod, here is the report, thank you very much for the help !!
  3. Hello community, I have been having problems with an option that appears when you choose a sim or a point and enter Devious Desires / star sexy time since only the other options appear except that, thank you very much for the help in advance. NOTE: if everything else works, it would only be that
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