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Everything posted by GoDown_InTheDeep___

  1. Sure but it happens with young people, not only minors. Like, if a 18-year-old gets into a relationship with a 40+-year-old for example, it's also majorly not going to be healthy. But I understand not wanting to be associated with that. I've actually seen that mod but I interpreted it as Master/Slave play more than anything else. Thank you for the info though, will keep my eye open. Yeah, do with that comment whatever you want. Just loose ideas. I've seen you mention rape perps getting negative moodlets and I don't think that's realistic to all types of role-play though. If someone wants to create someone evil, they're not going to feel much guilty but they may feel stressed etc. Again, your mod your rules lol. Curious about the planned mod now though.
  2. hi! Don't know if you're taking inspirations/ideas so if you don't, just skip this comment because it will be a waste of your time lol. One is serious, one is fetish-y, and one is a traits add-one for perps. 1. Serious - Have you considered adding potential negative effects of having Teen/Adult romances? I don't know how feasible it is but those kinds of things can have a negative effect on people in real life. I was thinking, when a sim who was in a relationship with an adult breaks up with that adult and becomes an adult themselves, they can have negative moodlets remembering the thing. For example: - "What was I thinking!" This sim is remembering how young and naive they were at the time. They can't believe they thought it was a good idea! (Embarrassed moodlet) - "This person was..." This sim sees a teen and something about it makes them uncomfortable. (The implication being, they suddenly get how immature they also had to be at the time. Uncomfortable moodlet) Even something more disturbing. Like: - "I'm so mature!" This sim feels like they know everything about the adult world. (Moodlet for teen sims. Probably adds on confidence.) - "I was being taken advantage of!" This sim now realizes how wrong the situation they were in really was. (Moodled available after therapy or starting therapy maybe? Adds Angry moodlet) Other "friendly" sims and/or parent sims should have some moodlets connected to those relationships as well. For example: - "Is this really appropriate?" This sim is concerned about the relationship status of their friend/sibling. (Uncomfortable moodlet) - "Not my kid!" This sim is categorically against the relationship of their child. (Angry moodlet. Could lead to some arguments in households. Some parents could potentially have a neutral moodlet? Especially if they have a bad relationship with their child.) Again, idk how feasible that is considering that young adults and teens probably don't have much of an age difference, and some teens turn into young adults during the relationship. So maybe that should be applied only in certain scenarios/you could turn this off. 2. Fetish-y. Inspired by the "Mind Breaking" and different bindings and stalking planned features. In short, kidnapping! I'm a fan of the yanderes and I can't exactly create them in my sims currently. I think it could work in a very similar way as rape but with few changed features. So: - There's a % chance of the kidnapping being successful. I think adding an option for weapons could potentially raise that % but it's just a loose idea. - The kidnapper may carry the kidnapped sim to the household, and or get them on the "leash" so they follow. The kidnapped sim may also be added to the inventory? Lol. - If someone witnesses a kidnapping, they may attempt to stop it. - The kidnapped sim is added to the household. If you have free will enabled, they will sometimes try to escape on their own. If not, you will have to do it for them. - The success of the escape will depend on factors. For example, if all doors in the household are unlocked, the captor is not home, the kidnapped is unbound and on the normal "health" level, the chances of escaping are 90%. If the kidnapped is in the basement and the doors are locked, the % is lowered significantly. - There could be a few scenarios where other people get suspicious of the kidnapper sim. Your response may cause them to call the police or get rid of the suspicion. If you're friends/neighbors with someone who kidnapped someone, you may also encounter a scenario where your sim hears a scream for help and may call the police, ignore it, or further ask their kidnapper friend about it (chances are they are both into it). - Other sims with a kidnapper fetish won't call the police but may ask your sim to either see or... Use their victim instead. - Kidnapper sim may perform actions that will cause their victims to experience Mind Break or Stockholm Syndrome. For example, if they perform a lot of violent actions (like torture, mean interactions, or rape), it will cause the victim to go into the Mind Break (where they only feel like a piece of meat). If they perform more manipulative actions (like being violent only after an escape attempt, trying to romance the sim, give them gifts, and coercing them) will cause sims to go into Stockholm (in which they "love" their captors and are "loved" property. They cannot deny only their captor and will often seek their approval). - After the Mindbreak/Stockholm, the victim will feel extremely tense/uncomfortable when they are *not* around their captor or the captor's house. It can be only cured with therapy. - There could be added a few options as if to where you can keep your captured sims. For example, they could be bound into human cages, or they could be "leashed"(function of a leash but a chain/rope that connects them to a wall instead. I think there could be a changed value of how long that rope is? Not sure how feasible that is but for example - the option that the leash is long enough that the sim can go around the whole room) - You can incorporate the amputee option where the kidnapper sim may amputate their victim's limb/s. It would significantly lower the chances of them escaping but it would also basically break them. It would add a very prominent sad moodlet that would only go away with Mindbreak or/and Stockholm - I think the kidnapped sims should get a *variety* of moodlets, after or during the kidnapping. For example, they can get extremally angry (for no apparent reason), scared (obviously), tense (for no reason or around their kidnapper), sad, etc. If they have Mind break or Stockholm, they may experience a variety of both negative and positive moodlets. For example; - "I can't believe my luck!" This sim has been saved from their previous terrible living conditions. They can't believe how lucky they got! (Happy moodlet) - "Something is wrong..." This sim feels like there's something that they should be remembering right now... They just can't figure out what. (Tense moodlet) - "Time to be useful!" This sim wants to give something back to their Master for never giving up on them. (Idk if 'Master' is the right title here but the idea is - it has to imply they see their captor as having the right idea about them and being in higher status to them. They probably wouldn't think that "Kidnapper" is the right title lol. Maybe "Keeper" is more neutral? Energized moodlet. They want to clean the house) - "What's happening?" This seems feels like everything is so far away and out of focus... They better lay down. (Implying dissociation. Dazed moodlet.) - "I don't feel so good..." This is not a good day... This sim barely has the strength to leave the bed right now... Maybe tomorrow will be better. (Sad moodlet.) - Also, a function similar to the planned BDSM one - you can choose how the captor wants to be called (for example, if they want the kidnapped to be their slave or lover). I feel like it's a very simple change that will allow for more variety. - I think the kidnapper should also have different moodlets. Since I'm basing this on the concepts of the Yanderes, both positive and negative. For example: - "I finally have them!" This sim finally reached their goal and got the most valuable prize. (Confident moodlet) - "This is... Exiting!" This sim just added a new possession to their collection. (Happy/Energized Moodlet) - "This is... A lot." This sim may have bitten more than they can chew... A lot of people are starting to look their way. The screams coming from the locked room don't help at all... (Tense moodlet.) - "Why would they do that?!" This sim just realized their valued prize tried to escape... Make them realize their mistake. (Angry. After the kidnapped sim tried and failed to escape.) - "This... Is over." This sim's deeds have been discovered. Their life is ruined forever. (Scared/Angry Moodlet. After the victim has escaped and/or someone discovered what they had done) - "Pain is a valuable teacher" This sim is giving punishment to their sweet little prize. The anger has washed away, what's left is only... Focus. (Focused. Also may be applied to Doms giving their subs punishment but the description has to be changed) - "I did the right thing... Right?" This sim is witnessing their most praised possession having a bad time. (Sad/Tense. Triggered by witnessing the victim displaying negative moodlets.) - "You belong to me." The sweet thing behind the closed doors finally stopped resisting... Now their new life can finally begin. (Romantic/Happy moodlet. After victim reaches Mind Break/Stockholm.) 3. And lastly, traits. Maybe reward traits? New added traits I've come up with: - "No remorse" This sim can perform criminal acts without feeling any guilt for them whatsoever. (Any nehative moodlets that can get triggered because this sim feels bad don't show.) - "Nerves of steel" This sim feels like everything will always go their way. (No tense moodlets after committing criminal acts. Also, maybe lower suspicions of crime levels? Better responses in scenarios?) - "Psychopath" This sim feels no remorse and has a low response to fear. Whatever they decide to do in their life, the world is their bitch... (Basically combines the two previous traits)
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