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Everything posted by PPppuppu

  1. this is the file dated when I last booted up sims4 EDIT: NVM I think I found what the issue was, it is a different mod fml I checked the devious mod and I think it works fine. I will send another update once I fully tested this. thanks and sorry lol this was the last mod i downloaded so i thought it was the one giving me issues sorry edit: its working lastException_63782749639.txt
  2. oshizz didnt know there's a support thing on this sorry, my first time browsing this site. anyways, the game boots me out when I try to enter a household. I don't see an error message popping up it just boots me out. I have downloaded all the necessary files on the required thingy. and I am thinking that I had the files placed on the right folders so idk what to do lol edit: just to add i also have the expansion for cats and dogs
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