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  1. If theres any possible way to share what that mod might be, I'd be eternally grateful, but I understand if not. Thank you so much for the help with this either way
  2. I don't have a both option, only the default become pregnant, get others pregnant, and neither options And looking into that second tab doesn't have anything about this either Where are those options at?
  3. I feel like I'm being a bother but I promise, I'm not here about any error or bug. I have a mod question. Is there a setting to enable a sim of either gender both get others pregnant and be pregnant themself? I've been searching for it for a while and all I can seem to find is an abandoned mod from 2015, and a mod for male pregnancy. And while that mod was tempting for what I wanted, I don't see a way of deactivating it's inbuilt moodlets. I don't want their realistic moodlets, I just want my sims to be both genders at the same time. I want a cute lesbian couple able to both have kids with each other at the same time instead of forcing one to play male and the other female. That's all.
  4. So I just updated everything since WW broke a lot of my mods, yours included. But after updating and running the game, I get this error which causes all of my Sims to just freeze in place and I can't clear the warning from my game. Even trying to debug reset them, they remain stuck with this error. What did I do wrong? DeviousDesires_4.2.5_Exceptions.txt Edit: Ok so I've managed to get my sims moving again, not at all sure what I did to fix that? And spamming X on the warning does eventually clear it, just takes a while. While running some animations does seem to still have a freeze bug, it's now running normally(ish). I'm still unsure what has caused the issue to begin with, but resetting my sim and forcing them to travel to a different lot did free them from their chains lol Also, clicking on another sim does this, which seems to repeat the whole issue with freezing them in place, but they're not completely stuck now https://prnt.sc/s_L89uC_FSE8 Edit2: Found a working fix for this if anyone gets the issue. Disable all autonomous interactions for the things that haven't been implemented.
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