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Everything posted by ervvvevg

  1. I have enjoyed playing with Wicked Whims but Devious desires seems more interesting, the only issue is that it doesn't work in-game. I was wondering if there's any mods/CC that conflict with DD.
  2. Does anyone have any tips? I've downloaded correctly, and have all the requirements. But DD doesn't show on the interaction wheel.
  3. I have, I'm still not sure what I've done wrong; everything is correctly downloaded.
  4. My friend calls it, pie chart. No clue why, I just call it that sometimes too.
  5. Sorry, I should've been more specific. It's basically the selection of options in TS4. Example: Romance, Friendly, Life Tragedies, Mean, and more options.
  6. Devious desires doesn't seem to show up on pie chart and I'm sure I've downloaded DD correct. Thank you for this mod.
  7. Thank you for your work on this mod, it seems that it doesn't show when in-game. Thanks, again.
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