So... Last updates pretty dissapointed.
Now DD fully brokes WW contraception system for all new sims. If any of my sims try to unpack new box of condoms/pills, it doesn't work anymore.
Game Version: 1.90.375.1020, WickedWhims Version: v170i, BMD/S4CL/DD/NWP/MCCC
08/03/22 03:04:15 Traceback (most recent call last):
File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\masked\v170i\", line 25, in wrapper
File ".\WickedWhims_v170i\turbolib2\tunables\interaction\", line 78, in _trigger_interaction_start_event
File "sims4communitylib\utils\", line 127, in _wrapped_function
File "deviousdesires\mod_integration\wickedwhims\birth_control\", line 55, in _dd_on_start
File "deviousdesires\sex\contraceptives\interactions\", line 77, in on_started
File "deviousdesires\sex\contraceptives\utils\", line 75, in unpack_contraceptive_container
File "deviousdesires\sex\contraceptives\utils\", line 190, in unpack_condom_container
File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Lib\", line 357, in choices
TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable
If delete DD, everything turns back to normal and unpacking works.
Also WW's pills work only if to take it manually, automatic action doesn't add DD Moodlet.
One of sim couldn't discrease arousal and cum lvl coz he wasn't romatically involved with anyone. He literally turned to some r@pe/handjob mashine, but his cum/arousal lvl was permanently 100%.
How to fix too high lvl of inflation and milk? There are npc who walk around and spread milk everywhere. I can't and don't wanna fix each female npc in the town. I literally have a ghost sim, who died fast after giving a birth, and now she spoils my house over night with her milk. ,