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Everything posted by Drakmin

  1. I ended up needing to remove Noir's package to stop my game crashing. Did complete removal of everything and with just that mod, game crashed. Took it back out and slowly added everything back in, good to go, till I added the meshes back in. Now rape victims get pregnant, but even in my test world, NPC's won't even attempt to assault my player sim. Player sim can utilize functions fine. The autonomy just doesn't go the other way around. Still playing with settings to try to figure it out, but eh... eventually it'll get there?
  2. I was going to ask my questions in the discord, but I'm waiting for the two week grace period before I can ask for admission to the nsfw section. I've been trying to get my sims modded to preference. I've tried WW, but I prefer DD for the specific areas of automation in the kink module. I've started a fresh game in my sims with an empty mod folder. Then I loaded only the required DD mods as instructed on the included readme files. Installed: DD 4.2.5 , S4CL 1.78, S4MSM 1.3, Noir's Pornstar Cock V5, Halstrom's AddRemoveTraits, and the linked 702 Motherloadesims animation pack. My animations run fine. On my pre-cleansed world, the automation of NPC sims randomly luring and raping my active sim happened through automation only needing some work on the animation tags I think based on the way they sorted. My only standing issue right now is that in my completely cleaned DD only game, my male sim isn't impregnating any female sims he rapes. I have pregnancy enabled, Cum Inside not required, all 3 pregnancy chances are 100%. I've tagged a couple of animations for vaginal, climax, climax in vagina, with the Vagina Cum Heavy overlay and even if I go into the shift+click menu during that animation and select trigger climax (sometimes multiple times trying to test and troubleshoot), the female sim on the receiving end doesn't get pregnant. I must have something wrong because I see raving about how well this mod works and it's the only thing I have installed besides its requirements. I've even tried going into the show actor info during animations and Actor Action Mappings shows that under my source male targeting the npc female Is Cum Inside: True and Is Penetration: True. If there is an easier debug method for me to show all the settings for that particular animation to make sure tags and categories are good, I can do that. But at this moment, I'm getting 0 pregnancies out of this mod with pregnancy chances through any method at 100%.
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