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  1. I do have a very odd Problem and perhaps someone could help me out. I'm fairly new using DD. It seems so far, that I have installed everything in the correct Path, no error messages. So far so good. But when I try a Sex Animation (In my case Domination/Submition by Kinky Module) It always says that there is no Animation available. I do have quite a lot of Animations which is part of the reason I decided to try DD. The Animation in and on itself does works too. (Testet it with shift to start stuff manually on the object, and that worked, all the Animations are listet and there are quite a lot. Double Bed eg.) So my question is, is there somekind of manual or something? How to I get my Animations played with the Wheel? If put my Folder and its Path up perhaps there lies the mistake. (I'm not very good at this stuff) I would appreciate the help Thank You all very much
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