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  1. Trying to get some help with my animations? I have like +200 animations downloaded into a seperate folder DIRECTLY in the mods folder but it says only 5 Animations are loaded??? Tried to get to the Discord to get help but when I click on "Accept Invite", it says "unable to accept invite?" EDIT: Moved animations DIRECTLY to mods folder and still only 5 ANIMATIONS are loaded. I don't know WHY I expected this mod to get "better" or "fixed" after the last update.
  2. I don't know WHY no one has found a fix for this yet! If I click on a bed or surface, the devious desire mod options don't show up and even if I try to FORCE the interaction with the "Start Sexy Time" interaction, it keeps saying "No Animations Found!" How do I fix this? How do I force the mod to work? Because I've tried EVERYTHING. I made sure the mod was up to date, I removed Wicked Whims, I installed everything correctly but the mod is still BROKEN. At this point, I'm ready to just give up on this mod and go back to Wicked Whim because atleast that mod actually WORKS.
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