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Kendo 2


First up, world cultures. (WIP last updated 12/02/2024)



Home of the true Elves.  An enchanted place of faerie forests and meadows dotted with standing stones and megaliths.  Fae-creatures like unicorns, intelligent white stags, jovial leprechauns, fauns and nymphs abound here.  Evil beings or those with malignant intent constantly feel ill and will seek to flee at the first opportunity.  Advanced technology will not function in Alfar and the elves have simple pastoral lives.

Home of the dark elves. Sequoia-sized black barked oaks that block the sun,  huge mushrooms, phosphorescent fungus growths, oversized grubs/worms/slugs, giant spiders and predatory insects, carnivorous black squirrels the size of dogs.  The area sounds evil but it is not, and the pale-skinned 'Goth' elves are just as fruity and frivolous as their northern kin.

Hjarland is a wilderness expanse of deep forests, rocky crags and innumerable river valleys. To outsiders the barbarians of Hjarland live in turmoil, but it is actually organized chaos based on controlled warfare, taking captives, ransoms and vendettas.  Disputes are handled in all-out pitched battles or ritual ‘judicial’ combat.  Hjarlanders have the highest percentage of natural gigantism of all races, with some individuals reaching 8‘ in height and weighing in at over 350 lbs.

(nope, not done) Roughly equal to Anglo and Germanic 15th century Europe, minus the gunpowder.

The realm of the Dwarves seems like a rugged and inhospitable land of frozen mountains and rocky badlands, but there are alpine valleys with arable land deep in the interior.  Dwarves are master craftsmen with advanced technology other races cannot conceive.  No type of magic functions within their borders and all dwarves are immune to magic effects, positive and negative alike.

BAZGNATH WILDERNESS (Former demonic realm)
The central area was once the heart of the Bazgn Empire and ruins are plentiful.  It is the home range of the ogres and their industrial capital based on adamantium ingot production.  The ogres’ range is relatively monster-free since they’ve killed and eaten most of them.  Outside of their range is a hellscape of monster-infested ruins, twisted forests and coarse grasslands.  Relics are present but difficult to acquire since the easily accessible ruins were picked clean ages ago.  Transversely, the highest value monster parts and most powerful ichors are from the abundant creatures in this area.  Some ogres specialize in monster hunting for sport, not monetary reasons.  Ogres make excellent shock troops; don’t feed them for a few days and then point at the enemy.
The northern coast down to the lake area is Blightmoor, a land stalked by spectral black hounds, daemonic hags and malicious faeries.  The moorlands and bogs are interspersed with mist shrouded and swampy coniferous forests.  Jumbled ruins of the old Bazgn Empire dot the landscape, along with the lichen-covered stoneworks of things far older and more foul.  The morose people live in squalid wattle and daub villages, tending their bland crops and herding scrawny sheep.  Luxuries and finery are seldom if ever seen and most go about in rough homespun cloth and leather strapped clogs.  They are a sullen people and there is little joy in this realm subjugated by rival dhampirs wielding ancient magic.
The area south of Vamaldur and west of Panlong is a nameless steppe inhabited by nomads with a classed society based on the ownership of horses.  Mercenaries from this culture can only serve as somewhat unreliable light/skirmish cavalry and they are prone to pillaging/looting if not provided with ample drink and access to women.  Their chief exports are horse hides and felt, with a reasonable market in war captives sold as slaves.  Otherwise there is nothing of real interest to outsiders.
North of Abudsaso are the temperate Bazgn Badlands inhabited by warring tribes of hostile hobgoblin primitives, their enthralled tribes of lesser goblinoids, and the occasional enclave of ogres from the central area.  Ruins of the Bazgn Empire are plentiful and the majority of relics come from this area.  An ancient Bazgn temple complex lies in the heart of the badlands, but the hobgoblins think it’s taboo to enter and will kill any who try.

Panlong is shrouded in mystery as foreigners are unwelcome and the natives are reticent when dealing in foreign lands.  It is rumored the country is ruled by a caste of sorcerous nobility devoted to a serpent cult.  Little else is known about their society other than everything of value is based on the amount of grain it takes to feed one able-bodied man for a year.

(nope, not done) it’s Southeast Asia with a dash of Melanesia/Pacific Islands

A collection of civilized jungle kingdoms with a shared culture. Basaltic megalopolises of villas and apartments.  Tranquil garden courtyards, perfumed canals, bustling bazaars, lively amphitheaters, and raucous circuses and gladiatorial arenas.  Each city is dominated by a black cyclopean ziggurat.  The Kingdoms are ruled by a male-only cabal of daemonic gray-skinned sorcerers.  Abudsasian culture is based on a rigid caste system, so much so that high caste. middle caste and low caste are different races bred from the same base Ancestral stock.  The Abudsaso kingdoms have the highest percentage of Daemonic humans of any contemporary population.  The higher up the caste system you go, the more daemonic the people become.

The northern regions of Shadek are a barren expanse of red rock mesas, boulder fields and noxious weedy flats.  Jackals, vultures and venomous insects are all that can thrive there.  The marauding Shadek tribesmen of the region are savages; cannibalistic head hunters and necromancers bent on killing, violating and then eating anyone in their path.  They build nothing and create nothing, existing in the shadow of a great ancient empire they are not the heirs to.  Shadeks have the highest occurrence of ghuls in any human population.  It is rumored that in the vast duned desert to the south an ancient necropolis is swarming with ghuls, ruled by a ghul arch-necromancer.

Moorish North Africa and southern Spain, minus the jihadis.  Think Sinbad/Arabian Nights.


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Kendo 2


What the individual regions are stereotypically know for.  i.e. Texas equals oil and cattle.


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