This CC is completely free
You’re allowed to modify it in any way, shape or form imaginable; you don’t need to ask me for permission
I don’t take requests nor commissions
Base game compatible
For teen, young adult and adult femsims
Enabled for naked, everyday, sleepwear, formalwear, career, outwear and validformaternity
Disabled for random sims
All LODs and morphs
Polycount: lod1=8148; lod2=3006
4 color channels
Will add 6 “units” to adult and young adult’s height, 5 to teens
Only available in .package format
Shoes look “weird” on CAS, in-game looks fine
Potential clipping with floor and furniture also misalignment on animations and poses
3D accessories that contain morphs, like necklaces, might deform shoes and feet
Compatible with the default body, MedBod and any other custom body mesh that use the original leg seam
This CC is completely free
You’re allowed to modify it in any way, shape or form imaginable; you don’t need to ask me for permission
I don’t take requests nor commissions
Base game compatible
For teen, young adult and adult femsims
Enabled for naked, everyday, sleepwear, formalwear, career, outwear and validformaternity
Disabled for random sims
All LODs and morphs
Polycount: lod1=6022; lod2=2699
4 color channels
Will add 6 “units” to adult and young adult’s height, 5 to teens
Only available in .package format
Shoes look “weird” on CAS, in-game looks fine
Potential clipping with floor and furniture also misalignment on animations and poses
3D accessories that contain morphs, like necklaces, might deform shoes and feet
Used Rosa as foundation
Compatible with the default body, MedBod and any other custom body mesh that use the original leg seam
This CC is completely free
You’re allowed to modify it in any way, shape or form imaginable; you don’t need to ask me for permission
I don’t take requests nor commissions
Base game compatible
For teen, young adult and adult femsims
Enabled for naked, everyday, sleepwear, formalwear, career, outwear and validformaternity
Disabled for random sims
All LODs and morphs
Polycount: lod1=7410; lod2=3068
4 color channels
Will add 11 “units” to adult and young adult’s height, 10 to teens
Only available in .package format
Shoes look “weird” on CAS, in-game looks fine
Potential clipping with floor and furniture also misalignment on animations and poses
3D accessories that contain morphs, like necklaces, might deform shoes and feet
Compared to the original and besides the new feet this one has better shading, UV map and is one unit bigger, also it won’t interfere you can have both on your game
Compatible with the default body, MedBod and any other custom body mesh that use the original leg seam
This CC is completely free
You’re allowed to modify it in any way, shape or form imaginable; you don’t need to ask me for permission
I don’t take requests nor commissions
Base game compatible
For teen, young adult and adult femsims
Enabled for naked, everyday, sleepwear, formalwear, career, outwear and validformaternity
Disabled for random sims
All LODs and morphs
Polycount: 7390; lod2: 3756
4 color channels
Will add 6 “units” to adult and young adult’s height, 5 to teens
Only available in .package format
Some minor deformation on the back of the ankle but you won’t notice at normal game distance
Shoes look “weird” on CAS, in-game looks fine
Potential clipping with floor and furniture also misalignment on animations and poses
3D accessories that contain morphs, like necklaces, might deform shoes and feet
Used Superleggera as foundation, the rest was made on Blender 2.8 beta
Compatible with the default body, MedBod and any other custom body mesh that use the original leg seam
This CC is completely free
You’re allowed to modify it in any way, shape or form imaginable; don’t need to ask me for permission
I don’t take requests nor commissions
Base game compatible
For teen, young adult and adult femsims
Enabled for naked, everyday, sleepwear, formalwear, career, outwear and validformaternity
Disabled for random sims
All LODs and morphs
Polycount: 6992; lod2: 3607
4 color channels
Will add 10 “units” to adult and young adult’s height, 9 to teens
Only available in .package format
Shoes look “weird” on CAS, in-game looks fine
Potential clipping with floor and furniture also misalignment on animations and poses
3D accessories that contain morphs, like necklaces, might deform shoes and feet
Compatible with the default body, MedBod and any other custom body mesh that use the original leg seam
This version won’t interfere with the original
I used Blender 2.8 beta to make several modifications to shape and fit (might do the same to peeptoes version, just not anytime soon)
Does that means I will remake every single pair previously released? Some of my first self-made shoes need polishing and would benefit from the new feet, models like Synth, Cattleya and Virenti. The rest I don’t know, I already have several new designs on queue and time is scarce
This is intended for people completely familiarized with Sims 3 modding and its tools
Because of limited time and language reasons I can only offer very basic support (so you better know what you’re doing before downloading)
You’re free to modify this content in any way, shape of form imaginable, you don’t have to ask me for permission
I added a second .zip with the open version in its original Blender format, this was made on 2.8 beta so be aware it might not work on earlier versions. Also, the UV seams are a little messy but it shouldn’t be a problem.
Intended for female sims (probably could be converted for male sims, if you know how to scale meshes and UV map)
The zip file contains feet for closed and open shoes as .wso
You can use any prior shoes to assign bones and morphs using Cmar’s Meshtoolkit
As stated before the shape is roughly the same as version 1.8 although with better definition on ankles and other areas, adapting old heels will require just a couple of steps and of course you are no longer limited while making straps around the toes and ankle
Shape remains far from being anatomically correct (one of several reasons for calling them “Impossible”)
Polycount: open shoes has 2692 polygons; closed has 1242
The UV has less distortion and in general textures and patterns look better, seamed stockings will show a little deviation between the back of the ankle and sole
About custom skins, there’s some stretching around the ankle and of course the toes are far from perfect, my recommendation is to use custom skins made by Kurasoberina which are mostly seamless (except for some tiny patches), E-Skin Fresh by Ephemera shows a faint line on both sides and some defects on toes; the default skin looks OK(ish)
Combining shoes made with version 1.8 with accessories that have morphs (necklaces, armbands) deforms both feet and shoes, enough to be noticed even at typical camera distance; with version 2.0 that has been reduced although I only tested it with accessories made by EA, custom ones could make it look way worse
The toes area doesn’t have proper bone painting, meaning there’s a chance for some oddities under normal and custom animations and poses although nothing too egregious
Under indirect lighting (like from a lamp) there’s a chance from a line appearing on the seam between feet and leg, it shouldn’t be apparent at normal camera distance
This is so far what I’ve found but if you experience something else feel free to send me a message (include a picture of the problem)
This CC is offered completely free
You’re allowed to modify it in any way, shape or form imaginable; asking me for permission is not necessary
I don’t take requests nor commissions
Base game compatible
For teen, young adult and adult femsims
Enabled for naked, everyday, sleepwear, formalwear, career, outwear and validformaternity
Disabled for random sims
All LODs and morphs
Polycount: 4930
4 color channels
Will elevate young adults and adults 6 “units” above ground, 5 to teens
Only available in .package format
Shoes look “all-kinds-of-weird” on CAS, in-game looks fine
Potential clipping with floor, chairs, beds, etc. and animation misalignment under normal simming. This can also can happen on custom animations and poses and also might cause leg/feet extreme bending (I usually don’t have problems on my game while using Passion or OKW, but I cannot guarantee yours)
3D accessories that contain morphs, like necklaces and alike from the game and other creators, might interfere with the shoes and cause severe deformation, don’t use both at the same time
This is an original mesh created with a combination of Metasequoia, Blender and Milkshape 3D
Every single pair of “Impossible Heels” is compatible with the default body, MedBod and any other custom mesh that follows the default leg seam
This CC is offered completely free
You’re allowed to modify it in any way, shape or form imaginable; asking me for permission is not necessary
I don’t take requests nor commissions
Base game compatible
For teen, young adult and adult femsims
Enabled for naked, everyday, sleepwear, formalwear, career, outwear and validformaternity
Disabled for random sims
All LODs and morphs
Polycount: 5044
4 color channels
Will elevate young adults and adults 6 “units” above ground, 5 to teens
Only available in .package format
Shoes look “all-kinds-of-weird” on CAS, in-game looks fine
Potential clipping with floor, chairs, beds, etc. and animation misalignment under normal simming. This can also can happen on custom animations and poses and also might cause leg/feet extreme bending (I usually don’t have problems on my game while using Passion or OKW, but I cannot guarantee yours)
3D accessories that contain morphs, like necklaces and alike from the game and other creators, might interfere with the shoes and cause severe deformation, don’t use both at the same time
Every single pair of “Impossible Heels” is compatible with the default body, MedBod and any other custom mesh that follows the default leg seam
Original mesh is property of Bandai Namco
This CC is offered completely free
You’re allowed to modify it in any way, shape or form imaginable; asking me for permission is not necessary
I don’t take requests nor commissions
Base game compatible
For teen, young adult and adult femsims
Enabled for naked, everyday, sleepwear, formalwear, career, outwear and validformaternity
Disabled for random sims
All LODs and morphs
Polycount: 6576
4 color channels
Will elevate young adults and adults 6 “units” above ground, 5 to teens
Only available in .package format
Shoes look “all-kinds-of-weird” on CAS, in-game looks fine
Potential clipping with floor, chairs, beds, etc. and animation misalignment under normal simming. This can also can happen on custom animations and poses and also might cause leg/feet extreme bending (I usually don’t have problems on my game while using Passion or OKW, but I cannot guarantee yours)
3D accessories that contain morphs, like necklaces and alike from the game and other creators, might interfere with the shoes and cause severe deformation, don’t use both at the same time
This is an original mesh created with a combination of Metasequoia, Blender and Milkshape 3D
Based on Empress ‘E’
Without a doubt these were the most fun to make so far
Every single pair of “Impossible Heels” is compatible with the default body, MedBod and any other custom mesh that follows the default leg seam
This CC is offered completely free
You’re allowed to modify it in any way, shape or form imaginable; asking me for permission is not necessary
I don’t take requests nor commissions
Base game compatible
For teen, young adult and adult femsims
Enabled for naked, everyday, sleepwear, formalwear, career, outwear and validformaternity
Disabled for random sims
All LODs and morphs
Polycount: 5486
3 color channels
Will elevate young adults and adults 9 “units” above ground, 8 to teens
Only available in .package format
Shoes look “all-kinds-of-weird” on CAS, in-game looks fine
Texture stretching on the tip
Potential clipping with floor, chairs, beds, etc. and animation misalignment under normal simming. This can also can happen on custom animations and poses and also might cause leg/feet extreme bending (I usually don’t have problems on my game while using Passion or OKW, but I cannot guarantee yours)
3D accessories that contain morphs, like necklaces and alike from the game and other creators, might interfere with the shoes and cause severe deformation, don’t use both at the same time
To spice thing ups I decided to transform this pumps into platforms and add a ‘glitter’ texture, oh boy that texture gave a me a lot of troubles even when I doubled the size to 2048px, it mostly looks ‘good’ on light colors, everything else loses detail
If you know what you’re doing you can replace the texture BUT is advisable to scale back the UV map so it plays nice with patterns
Every single pair of “Impossible Heels” is compatible with the default body, MedBod and any other custom mesh that follows the default leg seam
Original mesh by MrAntonieddu
This CC is offered completely free
You’re allowed to modify it in any way, shape or form imaginable; asking me for permission is not necessary
I don’t take requests nor commissions
Base game compatible
For teen, young adult and adult femsims
Enabled for naked, everyday, sleepwear, formalwear, career, outwear and validformaternity
Disabled for random sims
All LODs and morphs
Polycount: 4198
4 color channels
Will elevate young adults and adults 6 “units” above ground, 5 to teens
Only available in .package format
Shoes look “all-kinds-of-weird” on CAS, in-game looks fine
Potential clipping with floor, chairs, beds, etc. and animation misalignment under normal simming. This can also can happen on custom animations and poses and also might cause leg/feet extreme bending (I usually don’t have problems on my game while using Passion or OKW, but I cannot guarantee yours)
3D accessories that contain morphs, like necklaces and alike from the game and other creators, might interfere with the shoes and cause severe deformation, don’t use both at the same time
What’s the difference with these? The most important is a new UV maps so it looks better with patterns, as always both can be used at the same time without a single problem
Every single pair of “Impossible Heels” is compatible with the default body, MedBod and any other custom mesh that follows the default leg seam
Original mesh by MrAntonieddu
This CC is offered completely free
You’re allowed to modify it in any way, shape or form imaginable; asking me for permission is not necessary
I don’t take requests nor commissions
Base game compatible
For teen, young adult and adult femsims
Enabled for naked, everyday, sleepwear, formalwear, career, outwear and validformaternity
Disabled for random sims
All LODs and morphs
Polycount: 5464
4 color channels
Will elevate young adults and adults 6 “units” above ground, 5 to teens
Only available in .package format
Shoes look “all-kinds-of-weird” on CAS, in-game looks fine
Potential clipping with floor, chairs, beds, etc. and animation misalignment under normal simming. This can also can happen on custom animations and poses and also might cause leg/feet extreme bending (I usually don’t have problems on my game while using Passion or OKW, but I cannot guarantee yours)
3D accessories that contain morphs, like necklaces and alike from the game and other creators, might interfere with the shoes and cause severe deformation, don’t use both at the same time
Based on the Impossible Boots
This is an original mesh created with a combination of Metasequoia, Blender and Milkshape 3D
Every single pair of “Impossible Heels” is compatible with the default body, MedBod and any other custom mesh that follows the default leg seam
This CC is offered completely free
You’re allowed to modify it in any way, shape or form imaginable; asking me for permission is not necessary
I don’t take requests nor commissions
Base game compatible
For teen, young adult and adult femsims
Enabled for naked, everyday, sleepwear, formalwear, career, outwear and validformaternity
Disabled for random sims
All LODs and morphs
Polycount: 6072
4 color channels
Will elevate young adults and adults 6 “units” above ground, 5 to teens
Only available in .package format
Shoes look “all-kinds-of-weird” on CAS, in-game looks fine
Potential clipping with floor, chairs, beds, etc. and animation misalignment under normal simming. This can also can happen on custom animations and poses and also might cause leg/feet extreme bending (I usually don’t have problems on my game while using Passion or OKW, but I cannot guarantee yours)
3D accessories that contain morphs, like necklaces and alike from the game and other creators, might interfere with the shoes and cause severe deformation, don’t use both at the same time
Used Lilia as base
Every single pair of “Impossible Heels” is compatible with the default body, MedBod and any other custom mesh that follows the default leg seam
This is an original mesh created with a combination of Metasequoia, Blender and Milkshape 3D
Toes from Blooms Base’ Sexy Feet
This CC is offered completely free
You’re allowed to modify it in any way, shape or form imaginable; asking me for permission is not necessary
I don’t take requests nor commissions
Base game compatible
For teen, young adult and adult femsims
Enabled for naked, everyday, sleepwear, formalwear, career, outwear and validformaternity
Disabled for random sims
All LODs and morphs
Polycount: 5970
4 color channels
Will elevate young adults and adults 6 “units” above ground, 5 to teens
Only available in .package format
Some uneven shadding here and there but not a problem at normal game distance
Shoes look all-kinds-of-weird under CAS, in-game looks fine
Potential clipping with floor, chairs, beds, etc. and animation misalignment under normal simming. This can also can happen on custom animations and poses and also might cause leg/feet extreme bending (I usually don’t have problems on my game while using Passion or OKW, but I cannot guarantee yours)
3D accessories that contain morphs, like necklaces and alike from the game and other creators, might interfere with the shoes and cause severe deformation, don’t use both at the same time
Completely made from the ground up. Creating a shape different to previous releases was a PITA, I’m very happy with the result
This is an original mesh created with a combination of Metasequoia, Blender and Milkshape 3D
Every single pair of “Impossible Heels” is compatible with the default body, MedBod and any other custom mesh that follows the default leg seam
This CC is offered completely free
You’re allowed to modify it in any way, shape or form imaginable; asking me for permission is not necessary
I don’t take requests nor commissions
Base game compatible
For teen, young adult and adult femsims
Enabled for naked, everyday, sleepwear, formalwear, career, outwear and validformaternity
Disabled for random sims
All LODs and morphs
Polycount: 7674
4 color channels
Will elevate young adults and adults 6 “units” above ground, 5 to teens
Only available in .package format
Shoes look “all-kinds-of-weird” on CAS, in-game looks fine
Zipper texture, located behind the ankle, will show some defects under certain colors (like red), not an issue under “normal” game conditions (aka don’t zoom)
Potential clipping with floor, chairs, beds, etc. and animation misalignment under normal simming. This can also can happen on custom animations and poses and also might cause leg/feet extreme bending (I usually don’t have problems on my game while using Passion or OKW, but I cannot guarantee yours)
3D accessories that contain morphs, like necklaces and alike from the game and other creators, might interfere with the shoes and cause severe deformation, don’t use both at the same time
This is an original mesh created with a combination of Metasequoia, Blender and Milkshape 3D
Used Virenti as base
I took some parts from afShoesEP3SandalRhinestone textures, mainly multiplier, specular and overlay
Every single pair of “Impossible Heels” is compatible with the default body, MedBod and any other custom mesh that follows the default leg seam
Toes from Blooms Base’ Sexy Feet
Straps, zipper textures by Electronic Arts
This CC is offered completely free
You’re allowed to modify it in any way, shape or form imaginable; asking me for permission is not necessary
I don’t take requests nor commissions
Base game compatible
For teen, young adult and adult femsims
Enabled for naked, everyday, sleepwear, formalwear, career, outwear and validformaternity
Disabled for random sims
All LODs and morphs
Polycount: 4542
4 color channels
Will elevate young adults and adults 6 “units” above ground, 5 to teens
Only available in .package format
Shoes look “all-kinds-of-weird” on CAS, in-game looks fine
Some shading defects all-around but most are noticeable at full zoom
Potential clipping with floor, chairs, beds, etc. and animation misalignment under normal simming. This can also can happen on custom animations and poses and also might cause leg/feet extreme bending (I usually don’t have problems on my game while using Passion or OKW, but I cannot guarantee yours)
3D accessories that contain morphs, like necklaces and alike from the game and other creators, might interfere with the shoes and cause severe deformation, don’t use both at the same time
I refined the shape from scratch, added some vertices here and there, I also remade the UV Map and generated some new parts
These and the first version won’t conflict, you can use both at the same time
Every single pair of “Impossible Heels” is compatible with the default body, MedBod and any other custom mesh that follows the default leg seam
MrAntonieddu for the original mesh
This CC is offered completely free
You’re allowed to modify it in any way, shape or form imaginable; asking me for permission is not necessary
I don’t take requests nor commissions
Base game compatible
For teen, young adult and adult femsims
Enabled for naked, everyday, sleepwear, formalwear, career, outwear and validformaternity
Disabled for random sims
All LODs and morphs
Polycount: 6746
4 color channels
Will elevate young adults and adults 6 “units” above ground, 5 to teens
Only available in .package format
Shoes look weird on CAS, in-game looks fine
Potential clipping with floor, chairs, beds, etc. and animation misalignment under normal simming. This can also can happen on custom animations and poses and also might cause leg/feet extreme bending (I usually don’t have problems on my game while using Passion or OKW, but I cannot guarantee yours)
3D accessories that contain morphs, like necklaces and alike from the game and other creators, might interfere with the shoes and cause severe deformation, don’t use both at the same time
Can be used along the platforms version, no chance in hell of conflict
Made several tweaks to shape, size and uv map
This is an original mesh created with a combination of Metasequoia, Blender and Milkshape 3D
Every single pair of “Impossible Heels” is compatible with the default body, MedBod and any other custom mesh that follows the default leg seam
Toes from Blooms Base’ Sexy Feet
This CC is offered completely free
You’re allowed to modify it in any way, shape or form imaginable; asking me for permission is not necessary
I don’t take requests nor commissions
Base game compatible
For teen, young adult and adult femsims
Enabled for naked, everyday, sleepwear, formalwear, career, outwear and validformaternity
Disabled for random sims
All LODs and morphs
Polycount: 6650
4 color channels
Will elevate young adults and adults 6 “units” above ground, 5 to teens
Only available in .package format
Shoes look weird on CAS, in-game looks fine
Pattern won’t match on the back of the ankle
Potential clipping with floor, chairs, beds, etc. and animation misalignment under normal simming. This can also can happen on custom animations and poses and also might cause leg/feet extreme bending (I usually don’t have problems on my game while using Passion or OKW, but I cannot guarantee yours)
3D accessories that contain morphs, like necklaces and alike from the game and other creators, might interfere with the shoes and cause severe deformation, don’t use both at the same time
No, I haven’t finished making “Empress” variants
This is an original mesh created with a combination of Metasequoia, Blender and Milkshape 3D
Every single pair of “Impossible Heels” is compatible with the default body, MedBod and any other custom mesh that follows the default leg seam
This CC is offered completely free
You’re allowed to modify it in any way, shape or form imaginable; asking me for permission is not necessary
I don’t take requests nor commissions
Base game compatible
For teen, young adult and adult femsims
Enabled for naked, everyday, sleepwear, formalwear, career, outwear and validformaternity
Disabled for random sims
All LODs and morphs
Polycount: 6140
4 color channels
Will elevate young adults and adults 6 “units” above ground, 5 to teens
Only available in .package format
Shoes look weird on CAS, in-game looks fine
Potential clipping with floor, chairs, beds, etc. and animation misalignment under normal simming. This can also can happen on custom animations and poses and also might cause leg/feet extreme bending (I usually don’t have problems on my game while using Passion or OKW, but I cannot guarantee yours)
3D accessories that contain morphs, like necklaces and alike from the game and other creators, might interfere with the shoes and cause severe deformation, don’t use both at the same time
This a “solid” version of Paradisi with a simple bow, that’s it
This is an original mesh created with a combination of Metasequoia, Blender and Milkshape 3D
Every single pair of “Impossible Heels” is compatible with the default body, MedBod and any other custom mesh that follows the default leg seam
This CC is offered completely free
You’re allowed to modify it in any way, shape or form imaginable; asking me for permission is not necessary
I don’t take requests nor commissions
Base game compatible
For teen, young adult and adult femsims
Enabled for naked, everyday, sleepwear, formalwear, career, outwear and validformaternity
Disabled for random sims
All LODs and morphs
Polycount: 3550
4 color channels
Will elevate young adults and adults 6 “units” above ground, 5 to teens
Only available in .package format
Rough edges here and there
Shading looks a bit uneven on the toes
Shoes look “weird” on CAS, in-game looks fine
Potential clipping with floor, chairs, beds, etc. and animation misalignment under normal simming. This can also can happen on custom animations and poses and also might cause leg/feet extreme bending (I usually don’t have problems on my game while using Passion or OKW, but I cannot guarantee yours)
3D accessories that contain morphs, like necklaces and alike from the game and other creators, might interfere with the shoes and cause severe deformation, don’t use both at the same time
I took my old edit and yadda, yadda, yadda.
The shape is different tough, result of fixing old mistakes and adding more vertices to work with, plus a new UV map and other stuff
"Final" edits don't interfere with old versions
This is an original mesh created with a combination of Metasequoia, Blender and Milkshape 3D
Every single pair of “Impossible Heels” is compatible with the default body, MedBod and any other custom mesh that follows the default leg seam
MJ95 for the original mesh
This CC is offered completely free
You’re allowed to modify it in any way, shape or form imaginable; asking me for permission is not necessary
I don’t take requests nor commissions
Base game compatible
For teen, young adult and adult femsims
Enabled for naked, everyday, sleepwear, formalwear, career, outwear and validformaternity
Disabled for random sims
All LODs and morphs
Polycount: 6076
4 color channels
Will elevate young adults and adults 9 “units” above ground, 8 to teens
Only available in .package format
Shoes look all-kinds-of-weird on CAS, in-game looks fine
Some pattern-matching and shading defects but mostly unnoticeable at normal distance
Potential clipping with floor, chairs, beds, etc. and animation misalignment under normal simming. This can also can happen on custom animations and poses and also might cause leg/feet extreme bending (I usually don’t have problems on my game while using Passion or OKW, but I cannot guarantee yours)
3D accessories that contain morphs, like necklaces and alike from the game and other creators, might interfere with the shoes and cause severe deformation, don’t use both at the same time
Based on Empress
Halfway through it became a salvage mission because I made several mistakes
This is an original mesh created with a combination of Metasequoia, Blender and Milkshape 3D
Every single pair of “Impossible Heels” is compatible with the default body, MedBod and any other custom mesh that follows the default leg seam
This CC is offered completely free
You’re allowed to modify it in any way, shape or form imaginable; asking me for permission is not necessary
I don’t take requests nor commissions
Base game compatible
For teen, young adult and adult femsims
Enabled for naked, everyday, sleepwear, formalwear, career, outwear and validformaternity
Disabled for random sims
All LODs and morphs
Polycount: 6056
4 color channels
Will elevate young adults and adults 10 “units” above ground, 9 to teens
Only available in .package format
Shoes look all-kinds-of-weird on CAS, in-game looks fine
Shading problems here and there but not a problem unless you zoom all the way
Potential clipping with floor, chairs, beds, etc. and animation misalignment under normal simming. This can also can happen on custom animations and poses and also might cause leg/feet extreme bending (I usually don’t have problems on my game while using Passion or OKW, but I cannot guarantee yours)
3D accessories that contain morphs, like necklaces and alike from the game and other creators, might interfere with the shoes and cause severe deformation, don’t use both at the same time
Based on Gala
This was an exercise to practice UV Mapping
Because I’m not a fan of wedges these will be my first and last pair, also I think I got the shape wrong
This is an original mesh created with a combination of Metasequoia, Blender and Milkshape 3D
Every single pair of “Impossible Heels” is compatible with the default body, MedBod and any other custom mesh that follows the default leg seam
Toes from Blooms Base’ Sexy Feet
This CC is offered completely free
You’re allowed to modify it in any way, shape or form imaginable; asking me for permission is not necessary
I don’t take requests nor commissions
Base game compatible
For teen, young adult and adult femsims
Enabled for naked, everyday, sleepwear, formalwear, career, outwear and validformaternity
Disabled for random sims
All LODs and morphs
Polycount: 5480
4 color channels
Will elevate young adults and adults 6 “units” above ground, 5 to teens
Only available in .package format
Shoes look “weird” on CAS, in-game looks fine
Potential clipping with floor, chairs, beds, etc. and animation misalignment under normal simming. This can also can happen on custom animations and poses and also might cause leg/feet extreme bending (I usually don’t have problems on my game while using Passion or OKW, but I cannot guarantee yours)
3D accessories that contain morphs, like necklaces and alike from the game and other creators, might interfere with the shoes and cause severe deformation, don’t use both at the same time
I opened my initial edit and added vertices all around looking to eliminate sharp edges, also corrected some errors and remade the UV map, sadly that made unfeasible to preserve the original textures so shoes look somewhat plain if you don’t use patterns
Every single pair of “Impossible Heels” is compatible with the default body, MedBod and any other custom mesh that follows the default leg seam
Original shoes mesh by MJ95
Toes from Blooms Base’ Sexy Feet
This CC is offered completely free
You’re allowed to modify it in any way, shape or form imaginable; asking me for permission is not necessary
I don’t take requests nor commissions
Base game compatible
For teen, young adult and adult femsims
Enabled for naked, everyday, sleepwear, formalwear, career, outwear and validformaternity
Disabled for random sims
All LODs and morphs
Polycount: 7886
4 color channels
Will elevate young adults and adults 6 “units” above ground, 5 to teens
Only available in .package format
Shoes look “weird” on CAS, in-game looks fine
Some shading problems here and there, nothing to be worried about when simming
Potential clipping with floor, chairs, beds, etc. and animation misalignment under normal simming. This can also can happen on custom animations and poses and also might cause leg/feet extreme bending (I usually don’t have problems on my game while using Passion or OKW, but I cannot guarantee yours)
3D accessories that contain morphs, like necklaces and alike from the game and other creators, might interfere with the shoes and cause severe deformation, don’t use both at the same time
Used parts from Rhiannon, Gala and other unreleased shoes to make these, sadly it didn’t make the process any faster...
This is an original mesh created with a combination of Metasequoia, Blender and Milkshape 3D
Every single pair of “Impossible Heels” is compatible with the default body, MedBod and any other custom mesh that follows the default leg seam
Toes from Blooms Base’ Sexy Feet
This CC is offered completely free
You’re allowed to modify it in any way, shape or form imaginable; asking me for permission is not necessary
I don’t take requests nor commissions
Base game compatible
For teen, young adult and adult femsims
Enabled for naked, everyday, sleepwear, formalwear, career, outwear and validformaternity
Disabled for random sims
All LODs and morphs
Polycount: 3632
4 color channels
Will elevate young adults and adults 6 “units” above ground, 5 to teens
Only available in .package format
Shoes look “weird” on CAS, in-game looks fine
Potential clipping with floor, chairs, beds, etc. and animation misalignment under normal simming. This can also can happen on custom animations and poses and also might cause leg/feet extreme bending (I usually don’t have problems on my game while using Passion or OKW, but I cannot guarantee yours)
3D accessories that contain morphs, like necklaces and alike from the game and other creators, might interfere with the shoes and cause severe deformation, don’t use both at the same time
Using metasequoia I added dozens of new edges that allowed me to refine the shape and add some small details, I also generated a new UV map
2 years and several months later I can finally remove this project from my “to-do” list
Every single pair of “Impossible Heels” is compatible with the default body, MedBod and any other custom mesh that follows the default leg seam
MJ95 for the original shoes