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Proof of Concept: a 'mirror'

Composite image of the mirror from 3 different angles.
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Fallout 3: New Vegas

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Kendo 2


This is what the 'mirror' is (and isn't) reflecting.


How to do it:

  • In the GECK make a copy of the placeable bathtub water object.  Open your new object and in the dropdown select a clear water type.  Save and close the object.
  • On the tool bar go to world/cells and add a water type to your cell.  Save and close the window.  Drag your new water object into a cell and place it where you want.  SAVE the esp.
  • For everything you wanted reflected, double click the object so the edit window opens.  Go to the Reflected tab and path it to your bathtub water.  FO3/NV water will not reflect animated stuff like flames or characters/creatures.

EDIT: I may or (may not) make a tutorial on this since it will work with a Bethesda game that has placeable water.



The water will reflect characters when it feels like it, it's working here but when I set the water up in exactly the same way in another mod neither actors or statics would reflect, it makes no sense. 


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