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Jim_UK last won the day on December 24 2024

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  1. All lefties sterilising themselves does is prove is that Darwin was right.
  2. This does a good job of explaining it.
  3. If these companies can't make a product that people want at a price people are willing to pay then they don't have a viable business, at the moment they're making broken shit riddled with divisive politics, charging extortionate prices for it and then blaming the customer for not buying it. I wouldn't invest in any of these companies, they're being run by fucking idiots who don't even understand the basics.
  4. Nothing can be as dumb as NASApunk, the term the fuckwits at Bethesda came up with for Starfield.
  5. Yeah, what happened to him was disgusting, he's lucky in so much as in he could afford to fight it, many can't and end up with their lives being ruined, it should serve as a warning but it won't.
  6. In fairness to Cain he couldn't really be critical of it, he does a lot of contract work for Obsidian who have the same parent company as Bethesda, that said I prefer the way Josh Sawyer handled the the TV show fucking New Vegas over, he just said it was nothing to do with him and shut up. Chris Avellone on the other hand...
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