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  1. I don't know if anyone else shops (or has shopped) at Etsy, but it doesn't surprise me. Almost everything that becomes mainstream tends to turn into corporate greed. Yes, there are some good things that are mainstream, but it tends to get negative attention that leads to these fucks looking for ways to profit off of something that functions fine as is. One of the reasons why I used to be (sometimes still am) very vocal about mainstream. A once niche market place that I remember from way back to now another Amazon marketplace. Looks like they'll have to migrate to a new platform to start over.
  2. Is it a rumor? I thought it was confirmed. I don't keep up with them to care. Nothing Bethesda does is out of goodwill. I see this nothing more than to foster more cash from their fans sheep. I only expect them to do this with the rest of their older titles. I was hoping for Skyblivion and SkyWind, but since it's not going to be available for LE (only SE), I have nothing to look forward to from any of this.
  3. I'm not at all interested.
  4. Maybe Karen learned her lesson. Maybe. I've never hit a woman in my life, but sometimes I wonder how I would react in a situation like this. So far, the worst has been a female just talk crap when she gets angry at me for whatever reason. lol
  5. Will they learn? Nah, orange man bad!
  6. Trying to figure out if I can get this to work. The one on the left is (U)UNP Body and the one of the right is a vanilla body converted into a .obj I downloaded off of Nexus. I managed to get the skin textures to show, but still having issues trying to get it to work right.
  7. So the advantage that WL has over a Bethesda game, is that there is the story mode and the sandbox mode. The sandbox mode being an open canvas for one to create a lot in. The story mode obviously focuses on the actual game. Whether you play a fixed character, interact with the established NPCs in the game, and play out the story they have created. From what I have tried out from the story mode in the demo, you can play as two characters. The character you start off with which is Max, and then Maya, the female with wings that can fly and is mainly used when promoting WL. For all I know, this could purely be a demo thing., but at some point when you progress in the story, you will be given an option to play as Maya to start a different chapter. Now the graphics looks awful because this is the demo version. For some reason the story mode in the demo doesn't load some textures and won't display it, or makes it blur unlike the sandbox. I guess they aren't trying to give away too much I guess. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'm not sure if creating scripts is something possible in the editor. If so, that's good. I would leave that up to someone else to investigate. Or, I may stumble upon it the more I learn all the capabilities of the editor. I will say that the difference between this and CK is that WL sandbox editor is in real time, whereas for GECK or CK, it's not. In other words, you don't have to log out of WL to use the editor. It's implemented in the game itself. It's just not part of the story mode for obvious reasons, which makes it distinct from Betshsda games because you cannot make any modifications to the actual game itself as far as I know. I hinted at them on YT about making the game moddable, but either way, I won't be touching the story mode. When it comes to the editor mode and for example, the things that I have created in the sandbox, Whether it's autosaves, sandbox saves (worlds), prop collections, created preset characters, it's all created in .json files. If I were to do something like NewFrontiers365 did, I would then have to include those meshes and textures along with what ever else is needed for that robot to exist in the editor, which then I will use to add it to the world. In her case, she used a robot model free from Sketchfab. Still have to find out the creator of the robot model terms when it comes to permission. But from the most part, it's ok for personal use. Now let's say @Kendo 2 and @Doublezero were to get into this, they can create their very own models under their own license of use and it would be no different than the mods they've already uploaded given permission is given and the terms are followed, of course. When it comes to character menu, you get world map and customization only. In it's current state, and this is probably just purely a demo thing, the customization needs improvements. Body sliders are lacking big time. Only boob, butt, and thighs. And some presets under the same skeleton will and will not have muscle sliders. I'm hoping in the final release the sandbox mode is limitless, Now, this can be a bit confusing at first, but there are many skeletons in the game. And certain presets fall into each skeleton. Presets meaning the NPCs. While Maya is an actual character (image above), her skeleton is used for a variety of presets/NPcs. Not all presets share the same body slides. Some will not invlude muscle sliders, while others do. I'm guessing because this how they have their certain NPCs to look, but doesn't make much sense when it coms to the sandbox since I'm not trying to see their NPCs for what they are supposed to be in the main game. I figured this out when opening the editor and creating a character to add to the world. Custom being your presets you created based off the vanilla NPC/presets. This is how to tell when you want to create (or add) a character to the world in editor. And this is how to tell when you want to create a sex scene. Shows a list of the NPCs/presets in each skeleton they pertain to. When the game is finally released, I will look into seeing if the editor has more to offer. As it stands, for me at least, I'm enjoying it thus far. Still, a lot to learn. Either way, I hope it attracts other people. I sure hate to enjoy this alone. Hope it's insightful.
  8. I'm glad I never run into people like this. Social media has really created a large amount of useless people.
  9. Cool. I would like to hope that mod support will be implemented, I will say that the last post I made, those two short videos were created by a female that goes by NewFrontiers365 on Reddit and YT. She made a video about how to create a robot using a character. The many characters you see from other videos of hers are characters shared to her by the devs. We don't have access to them until the full game. If @Kendo 2 checks out her vids, he's going to realize that he has more than enough to work with to create his comics. But since the game is supposed to be released this year, I would say wait and wait for reviews. I will do the same. If the sandbox editor doesn't have more to offer than what it currently does, I don't see any point in purchasing the game since I am not after this game for the story mode, but rather the sandbox (editor).
  10. Looking really bad for AVOWED.
  11. Some people have done some pretty cool stuff.
  12. Some props I've been working on the last couple of days. Some are still WIP. Oh, did this too when I was building a saloon before scrapping it along with the other sandboxes. I had also made an black iron candle holder/stand thingy for the center table using one of the vanilla candles, but I didn't realize the prop I saved was the table again instead of the candle and candle holder. I'll have to remake it. And some structures and buildings too. You've already seen the front porch. I made a small basic log shack. Still needs work. And I'm also working on building a tower of luxury apartments. it will have 6-8 apartments each floor, and I'm aiming for 10-12 floors. The floor beneath will be the lobby on one side that will have some thrift shops and a small grocery store, while the other side will be a double floor car garage. Not much to see at the moment, but once done will save the building as well as a prop. The blocks are temporary until I build a tub, dining table, kitchen countertop, etc. to put in. And the center of the building will be where I will put two, or four elevators.
  13. Supposed to release this year. I'll be honest, the main story doesn't grab my attention. I'm more interested in the sandbox. And wondering if in the official release the editor will have more than it does now. They do all their discussions on discord and I don't do discord. If they had a forum community, that would be nice.
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