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  1. Don't combine like mods that do the same things. It will cause conflicts. This goes for DD and WW as well as for anything else unless expressly stated otherwise by the author. This of course has to do with script mods not shoes and such (however, I guess you can have a conflict but I haven't heard of it yet. )
  2. Your issue has nothing to do with Devious Desires. Try repairing the game. Might be a bad game file.
  3. Don't tell her. just send her. She committed a crime. Toss her out. (unless she is a citizen if so throw the book at her. )
  4. I had a similar encounter. I was either a vampire or warewolf. I can't remember. I never had that encounter otherwise. I believe I was above whatever level was needed to be able to start the vampire/warewolf campain.
  5. I had a relative that had a black cat it was HUGE. The dam thing slept on its back and snored. Was terrified of rodents and if you dropped him or he fell he fell on his back or whatever. No landing on his feet this guy. (HUGE not fat. )
  6. Minature realisim of scale painter.
  7. Steam OS update
  8. This is bullshit. Pure bullshit. I've seen some serious cringworthy post on Linked in. Post that even college career advisors would say is stupid being posted.
  9. Was he serious about the Oscar Nomination? Seriously?
  10. Neither is Youtube... Dam, Youtube terminated this user. Better go to Odysee and post this type of stuff. Youtubers can't handle reality and have to stay in "safe spaces"
  11. I actually love Orcs in D&D, Skyrim and such. They are the original bad asses. I played an Orc in a D&D game and everybody loved him. I played them several play throughs in Skyrim. They are AWESOME. I also love how they "Wizards of the Cost" believe that they can "remove" a staple of the game and think that players won't use it. That onlly effects the official league play, not actual players. In fact, it is even more likely that Orcs will be used even more. The next time I get a chance to play an Orc in an D&D game I will most fucking surely play an ORC. I will make him the biggests baddest motherfucker that I can. If I ever play as a DM, the only rule would be every player would have to be a fucking ORC. They can be whatever class they want but they have to be an Orc. Not a half Orc a full blooded f***king ORC. Shitty politics move. You can't get offended for a race or ethnicity more than they are. I haven't heard anyone complain about Orcs being black. Likely because they would be laughed out of the game/thread etc.
  12. https://odysee.com/@DarkTitanEnterprises:d/politico-was-paid-with-usaid-funds-while:d
  13. I reimaged my gaming rig. I need it to do my gaming for I don't know how to do and correct it and get some of my games running in Linnux and 2 some of the games particuarly mods aren't reliable in Linux ... yet at least. On line games with their protecitons are also an issue. DRM as well. (for those games I have that have it. ) I sent it up the "microsoft way" and fought every fucking highacking option it tried to give me. However, unless I am mistaken, it forces you to use One Drive to back up at least the minimum of your Documents folder, PHotos and I believe Video folders that come with your account. When setting it up it didn't let me turn those off. Once it gave me a warrning that I was running out of space. I was like WTF I have a terribyte drive. I know I am not out of space. When checking.. the free 5 gigs they give you was almost used. Yep. NOt only do you have to use their one drive and can't get out of it, the default folders that they give you. The same default folders that are used by almost every fucking microsoft program ... the very same folders are locked to the one drive which if you want to put more data on your documets ... you HAVE to purchase Microsuck 365 or their One Drive service which gives you a Terribyte.
  14. Eventually support for programs will stop. Browsers in particular will stop. However, you could just install a VM in your Windows 10 and install a simple linux or even use the free windows image to get to the web. Then all you would need to worry about would be your other software if it works for you going forward or if you NEED an update to do your work. (if you use windoze for work) I have been moving ever more and more into Linux getting better and better at using it and learning more and more about the programs and how they can be used for microsoft / Windoze alternatives. I will be honest, many don't have the polish that Windowze programs do but they are free and usually without spy ware or other such bullshit that you get with Windoze.
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