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  1. Once I saw the art director and his rants and bullshit. I was turned off. this time so much that I made sure that relatives that would buy me a game for a gift (I am hard to buy for) wouldn't buy that game at all. It is so off putting that I don't care as of right now if it was on sale for 5 dollars to purchase it. I suspect many other gamers that are avid gamers that would put down the money for games on day one or, as much as I would advise against it, purchase preorders. Attacking the core heavy gamers that would eat up a game like this is totally the most fucking stupid thing I can think of. All he had to do is keep is fucking mouth shut and talk about some game play and deflect from the pronouns and other shit and some might have bought the game. More than they are now. Hell it appears that Ass in Pee'd (yes I intended to spell it that way ) is doing so much better and they offended an entire culture! If I was an major investor I would want that guys head on a platter for such supidity. Fire his ass.
  2. Get a browser that you don't normally use and do the Discord. Just that one. It sounds like it might be useful in this situation. Create a disposible discord that you only use tor that. I know discord can be complete shit and such but sometimes it can be a useful tool. I have alternate discords as well. I also have a browser (hell an entire computer ) to do shit that I wouldn't do on my main computer. You can also just install a linux in a virtual machine and have it only do the discord. They can't see anything but what is on that VM. (Still can see your IP but that can be fixed with a free VPN or something like that) There are ways to get what you want without dealing or h aving that shit on your main machine is all I am saying. I have an old Intel Mac that I do some Apple shit on. Not much now but it can be used. (Note to self I need to setup open core so that I can update the OS lol) A chromebook that I do Google shit on. A low end laptop that I do this stuff on. Posting here and other gaming sites. and a main gaiming rig that has alt accounts that I use for my general public gaming and such. @Doublezeroperhaps we should setup a section for this game? Maybe @endgameaddictioncan start some quick easy tutorials for those that are interested in the game. Another cool thing maybe is a site server from someone here that can set it up for us to play in. ( I assume it is like Conan and has a private server option. ... yes, I was lazy and didn't check lol) @endgameaddictionthanks for all the updates on the game.
  3. Once it gets done or really large, it will likely be sold. If not now, later when the developers get older and/or get bord of the project and decide or get other more interesting offers.
  4. You don' t have to post a finished project, you can post progress and processes A finished project looks great! People like seeing things like that. However, people that do the same hobby as you, would really like to see and comment and such for the process .... Just depends on you. What you want to give. All is good. A long time ago someone explained a process they used. They would have x number of steps in a project. They divided those steps up in days. Now here is the interesting part at least for them it worked. They would have times that they would like to work on x part of the project or y part. They had these steps on their workspace avaialble. There would be several projects that they were working on (the same type of project) and they would be able to come in and work on the part they liked the most. Then they would do another part a little while later to keep the parts available for them in the future. This also works for people working on mods or such. Anything that can be broken up and allowed to hang around for a time. Another thing that I use personally is reward when I don't want to do something. I start it for a 15 minute project or something and reward myself. I can stop if I desire later. Often I end up doing more than I promised myself. For me getting started was the main issue.
  5. AI is a great tool to help inspire and give concepts to start working on for the artist be it a writer or a graphics artist etc. The end all and be all, no. It is far from that level now. Not sure if it ever woudl be. When humanity was in analogue, we aspired for digital. The exacting perfection and predictability. Now that we are more digital and technology is so advancd, many are moving to analogue simpler way of life.
  6. I don't know if you wife is using a sock puppet account.. but there might be some people using a sock LOL
  7. So you don't want to hear about the other issues? LOL It is still great. For those that were older here and think back this would have been almost unthought of except in the most craziest sci fi stores. The ability to create something like this. Hell, they would have been happy if it could write a sentence that made any sense
  8. There isi always the first time LOL
  9. You can use this https://www.lipsum.com/ Make it look like an article and fill out the magazine. Then just add the excellent photos you make to the article. Make it look like it is an actual article. (just keep the title )
  10. The glass lip is also not level.
  11. that's a good computer AI generated christmas present (fingers on the right hand funky.)
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