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White Bird

Sorrow shaman 'White Bird' chill'n with his mirelurk crab cake.  Might not realize it, but everything on him is new (except the crab cake).  A new custom outfit along with the upcoming Breeze Redux meshes and textures.

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Fallout 3: New Vegas

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Question. with your new bodys you fixed that UV issue (I believe it was or something along those lines) that required Breeze users to have mesh fixes for all their armors? IN any case it looks quite good. Better neck and wrist seams.

Kendo 2


12 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

Question. with your new bodys you fixed that UV issue (I believe it was or something along those lines) that required Breeze users to have mesh fixes for all their armors? IN any case it looks quite good. Better neck and wrist seams.

Yes, with this 'Breeze Redux' thing I'm working on there will no longer be any need for armor replacers.  Total, I think I've made about 10 replacers for both FO3 and NV; and I only made those to replace the Bethesda paddle feet or add nipples.  They didn't really 'need' to be replaced at all.  Truthfully, if you use the underwear mesh version of what I'm making you don't need to use my textures at all, it's THAT compatible with vanilla.



Great than I can even use Project Brazil and not have those dam issues with the Breeze bodies.. :).

I seemed to remember you stating what the issue was and that you intended to fix it "one day" I guess this is almost that "one day" :P

Kendo 2


This is it in totality.  It's uploaded and literally fixes everything.



Cool now when I reload and setup my NV folder I can have it all covered :)

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