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  1. one more question: do you know why the pubic hair never shows up on the sims from the DD body part selector? i have to go to CAS to apply pubic hair.
  2. omg, thats IT. So i should install dd pets. Thanx mr nutty
  3. Hello thanx for the mod. I got a slight problem tho: When at home lot, arousal resets avery couple of minutes. So my sims arousal reaches max 5% and then drops back to 0%. This doesnt happen if the same sims go to a community lot, where arousal goes up normally. Also i deleted all my mods other than this one and started a new save and it didnt solve it so it cant be a conflict.
  4. Thank you for the mod and Sorry for posting here asking for support. I was wondering if there was a global way to make all sims never undress their bodyhair with their clothing instead of having to manually go to "select no unequip" for every individual sim. Thanx
  5. Just here to say thank you for all ur work. Deleted WW cause this mod is so much more fun to play with and has more functions. You are awesome.
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