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  1. betterException reporting: Possible Cause (Confidence: 100%) deviousdesires.ts4script Reason The listed script mod failed to load and should be removed or updated. Failure: 'deviousdesires/kinky/interactions/coerce_into_sex' (deviousdesires.kinky.interactions.coerce_into_sex) No module named 'simsnatcher' (ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'simsnatcher')
  2. mod feedback: - i like the cum feature, but the taker keeps want to take bath which will wash those away. suggest make a buff or debuff from those cums. buff if taker is cum lover, debuff otherwise, and taker will want to clean themself with that debuff, unless that debuff is cleared. - option to have perk become infertile/non-pregnant-able, and feature for abortion. just like ww. now i have to run another mod to have abortion option. - show next animation. this is very useful especially if the animations are in staged animations. just like ww. - if an animation disabled belong to a stage animations, mod should pick next stage till there is no option. just like ww. - sim having orgasm should (re)use thinking bubble, instead of steam, which practically is un-noticable. and it should apply for both/all sims involved. or maybe a skill/level look-alike bar, the bar height indicating the sim orgasm level. - buffs should have longer period, maybe reusing the fetish enjoy level design, those number means hour. - dating woohoo objective should be ticked if using dd having sex.
  3. try this: during that animation, shift click on actor, dd, customization, pick whichever 1 of that, actor (female), explore the 1st undress option, set it to undress body slot(s), try run that animation again.
  4. male sim change bottom to nude, but a pant shows up. when having sex, bottom part is showing same pant too. running SimpleGens from https://simfileshare.net/folder/147692/ ** update this resolved after i removed penis files with female word in them. now it's just the penis color is fixed to dark brown, guess that's the other mod issue
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