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Buddy Man

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Everything posted by Buddy Man

  1. Ok, I erased the whole folder then added mods back in until things finally fell back into place. Just in case, the reason for the interface getting messed up was UI Cheats Extension wasn't up to date. However, now whenever I try to have sex the male's penis is now floating in mid air. I attached a pic showing it. What do I need to do to fix that?
  2. So that is a very interesting point, because I got and installed 5.24 but the error is listing 5.16. Somehow 5.16 is overwriting 5.24 and I'm not sure where the files could be. I thought I deleted all DD files before installing 5.24 but its still listing 5.16 in the mod logs. And idea where else I should be looking?
  3. I'm having a ton of problems right now with DD. When I load my save my notifications get spammed telling me there is an error and its been sent to DeviousDesires_5.16_Exceptions. I can't get any sims to actually start any kind of romance. The tabs in the lower right corner (simiology, career, needs etc) are all buggy and either don't open or display weird information. I've gone through and updated everything I could think of but I might be missing something. I used this before back in 2022-3 but took a break and now Sims is looking really bad. I don't really run any other mods besides this. Any ideas what is wrong?
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