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JoshQ last won the day on August 23

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  1. HI, I downloaded a bunch of your Impossible Heels and tights. I put them in the mods folder. They manage to be listed at start up, but they dont show up in CAS at all. What am im doing wrong? Also, are there limited slots for clothing or can i add all the CC clothing i want. Was thinking maybe that was the issue if that is a thing.

    1. JoshQ


      Hi miguelzun,

      Let's start with the basics; shoes and garments are for The Sims 3 it won't work on 2 or 4. If you're on sims 3 you can follow this guide to be sure your game is ready for mods.

      Also is important to clear the game cache every-single-time you add or remove a package.

      Hope that helps.

    2. miguelzun


      Damn, thought it was for 4. thank you.

    3. JoshQ


      No problem. I did a couple of things for s4 a looooong time ago, I don't know if they still work.

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