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Everything posted by mojodajojo

  1. View File K2 Androgyne Extras Submitter mojodajojo Submitted 05/24/2016 Category Gameplay Changes  
  2. The learning curve with MO is stupid high, but I never did get it to work properly with some parts of sexlab. I have to switch some things in and out of my data folder when editing/creating sexlab mods via the use of prelabled folders I keep around for that very reason (in order to keep less stuff in my data folder not to get the game to play properly with Sexlab.) Like, so many things, though, I might be doing that the hard way for no good reason.
  3. I fucked up some stuff with snip badly. I know why now, (I think.) But, I've ran into that MergePlugins tool recently. God knows If I'm using it right, but it's amazing if I am. It just auto does stuff I would have had to correct by hand before and it checks for errors like NVEdit before and after saving me a few clicks. His crap about Mod Organiser I suspect is just laziness, though. He refused to support or talk to anyone using it and using his mods, and imo it makes your game a million times more playable in Skyrim. However, it requires some bjorking around with shit cause you can't have it in your data folder and mod that same folder while using certain mods. Ironically mostly mods, he'd never admit to using Edit: "can't have it in your data folder" is inaccurate, but I'm too lazy too expound.
  4. Not sure where to put this topic as it's kind of a generalized Beth thing. I admit I've butchered some mods I've made (way past fixing with my limited knowhow) with TesSnip. Honestly, though I'm a moron and that's user end stupidity. I've seen Arthmoor make some blanket statements about using it. I've also seen him post about Mod Organiser (or is it Organizer Eff Brits and Yanks and their z/s stuff) in a most negative light. In my experience Mod Organiser helped me run Skyrim with many mods in a much more functional way before I acquired a computer that was capable of doing so. Now, I like Arthmoor (or at least his online presence) much in the same way that I like Kendo as he is blunt, interesting and smart (probably just pissed off Kendo there.) I want opinions from smarter folks than me about his opinions. Are they time-saver statements so that he doesn't have to take into account more variables when troubleshooting his mods, or are they valid blanket statements. Please don't ask me to go back and link crap from Nexus, either. They may or may not be there, but I don't want to draw attention to myself from moderators on the big N anymore than need be. If this topic is out of line, delete it and flog me. Live long and prosper.
  5. View File SexOutMDJJFollowers .91b is the newest version, but it lacks lengthy testing. This mod contains rape and/or beastiality roleplay themes. All contain sexual themes and imagery. Don't download if you aren't of legal age where you live, or are offended by the content. This adds 3 sexable female followers and 1 male sexable dog follower. __________________________________________________ Do not use this at the same time as the file at http://www.loverslab...xout-followers/ __________________________________________________ Requires: SexoutNG, Tryout's Data Pack (You don't need this if you have Sexout Tryout installed already.), Spectrum's ToyPack SexoutNg http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/548-sexoutng-stable-release-96/ Tryout's DataPack or Tryout http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/1476-sexout-tryout/ Spectrums ToyPack http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/195-spectrumstoypack-re-pack/ __________________________________________________ Before upgrading from a version of this mod where an .esm was still used (if you are indeed upgrading otherwise ignore this), get all items off any companions and/or storage containers from this mod so you don't lose them. Sell all mod-related items as you will lose them. __________________________________________________ Basic info on each companion: as I remember or assimilate it: Cheyenne is in Goodsprings, but you must acquire her through having sex 3 times with her out of sight of Sunny. You have to figure out how, there are quite a few ways. Once acquired you can talk to her about an optional dog companion that you can disable/enable, tell to go home/set a new home location like all the companions from this mod. The caveat here is he's annoying he will randomly rape the player when initiating dialogue topics. (Hence while he's disabled unless you enable him.) Cheyenne will give you a key to the Sin Shed after recruited. This is in Goodsprings, and it has tons of safe storage, rest bonus enabled beds, crafting stations etc. It also has a few npcs you can have sex with or ask to hold your items. Brutilda requires nothing but going to her shack to recruit her it should be on your map. Marisol has to be rescued, should have a map marker to find her if you select her quest. Marisol is the only one of the three with a companion wheel. The other two operate outside the typical companion system, but you can talk to them during combat and give them stims and whatnot. __________________________________________________ You will have to reacquire all companions from this mod if you are upgrading from an earlier version. __________________________________________________ Version 9 1. Merged all the esp plugins into the master and converted it to .esp 2. Flipped flag to .esm in FNVEdit but left the plugin an .esp (to stop body head color mismatch issues without using an .esm) 3. Added a "receive anal sex topic from Cheyenne" topic her to consensual female on female dialogue (yes player will equip strapon for this.) 4. Fixed all errors showing in FONVEDIT (There were some related to Cheyenne's old .esp) 5. Removed body slot 2 from dog collar w/tail in order to prevent it from accidentally unequipping the strapon on Cheyenne (or anyone else wearing that dog collar during sex as the dog collar shared a slot with the strapon and things got messed up if use dress list was selected in SexoutNG. 6. The mod specific vendor is now added to banned for sex formlist 7. Mod vendor now will reset any glitched AI problems relating to Brutilda, Cheyenne or Marisol through her dialogue. (Still haven't added Mac.) 8. Lots of stuff I'm forgetting most likely. Submitter mojodajojo Submitted 05/18/2016 Category Followers  
  6. Version .91B


    .91b is the newest version, but it lacks lengthy testing. This mod contains rape and/or beastiality roleplay themes. All contain sexual themes and imagery. Don't download if you aren't of legal age where you live, or are offended by the content. This adds 3 sexable female followers and 1 male sexable dog follower. __________________________________________________ Do not use this at the same time as the file at http://www.loverslab...xout-followers/ __________________________________________________ Requires: SexoutNG, Tryout's Data Pack (You don't need this if you have Sexout Tryout installed already.), Spectrum's ToyPack SexoutNg http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/548-sexoutng-stable-release-96/ Tryout's DataPack or Tryout http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/1476-sexout-tryout/ Spectrums ToyPack http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/195-spectrumstoypack-re-pack/ __________________________________________________ Before upgrading from a version of this mod where an .esm was still used (if you are indeed upgrading otherwise ignore this), get all items off any companions and/or storage containers from this mod so you don't lose them. Sell all mod-related items as you will lose them. __________________________________________________ Basic info on each companion: as I remember or assimilate it: Cheyenne is in Goodsprings, but you must acquire her through having sex 3 times with her out of sight of Sunny. You have to figure out how, there are quite a few ways. Once acquired you can talk to her about an optional dog companion that you can disable/enable, tell to go home/set a new home location like all the companions from this mod. The caveat here is he's annoying he will randomly rape the player when initiating dialogue topics. (Hence while he's disabled unless you enable him.) Cheyenne will give you a key to the Sin Shed after recruited. This is in Goodsprings, and it has tons of safe storage, rest bonus enabled beds, crafting stations etc. It also has a few npcs you can have sex with or ask to hold your items. Brutilda requires nothing but going to her shack to recruit her it should be on your map. Marisol has to be rescued, should have a map marker to find her if you select her quest. Marisol is the only one of the three with a companion wheel. The other two operate outside the typical companion system, but you can talk to them during combat and give them stims and whatnot. __________________________________________________ You will have to reacquire all companions from this mod if you are upgrading from an earlier version. __________________________________________________ Version 9 1. Merged all the esp plugins into the master and converted it to .esp 2. Flipped flag to .esm in FNVEdit but left the plugin an .esp (to stop body head color mismatch issues without using an .esm) 3. Added a "receive anal sex topic from Cheyenne" topic her to consensual female on female dialogue (yes player will equip strapon for this.) 4. Fixed all errors showing in FONVEDIT (There were some related to Cheyenne's old .esp) 5. Removed body slot 2 from dog collar w/tail in order to prevent it from accidentally unequipping the strapon on Cheyenne (or anyone else wearing that dog collar during sex as the dog collar shared a slot with the strapon and things got messed up if use dress list was selected in SexoutNG. 6. The mod specific vendor is now added to banned for sex formlist 7. Mod vendor now will reset any glitched AI problems relating to Brutilda, Cheyenne or Marisol through her dialogue. (Still haven't added Mac.) 8. Lots of stuff I'm forgetting most likely.
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