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Everything posted by Lavie

  1. Hiya! I'm fairly new here, I've just made the switch from WW to DD. I was an original enjoyer of DD before it was removed from LL, and I really enjoyed the non-con elements of DD and SS. (wow, that's a lot of acronyms, I apologise.) First of all, thank you for all your hard work, Nutty! I just have a couple of questions. To get this out of the way, I've deleted all WW related mods, including WW itself. Does MCC or Wicked perversions conflict with DD? I have deleted wicked perversions, but I just wanted to make sure! You've mentioned a Wiki page on the main mod page of DD is there a link to that perchance? If there's a detailed guide on how to utilise certain parts of the mod/mod settings, I'd love to read it, instead of bugging people with constant questions haha How do I adjust CAS parts? more specifically, I have Dumbaby's gentialia downloaded, and have been using that when my sims are nude (for instance, I have a trans sim with a vagina, and I've been using the dumbaby CAS part. Since DD's system is slightly different, how do I assign certain genitalia for certain sims during sex animations?) This is an extremely strange and specific issue, but it's related to the non-con part of DD. I've ticked the "allow non-aggressive/non-rough animations for rough sex and rape" in the DD Kinky settings, and it is my understanding that this should unlock all animations to be used during rape, but when I go to switch animations during the act, it shows me a limited amount of animations, even after I have gone and bulk-assigned the RAPE tag to, for example's sake I will say all floor animations. Those animations still don't show up, and I'm really at a loss for how to make them show up. Curiously enough, if I have testingcheats on, and start a rape interaction through the Start Sexy Time debug, the animations show up just fine; but once in the act, it's gone again. I'm having a similar issue all across the board; only a limited amount of animations show up, despite their tags, in rape and normal sex interactions, is there a setting I'm missing? That'll be all from me, ever so sorry for that literal novel I just dropped in here, I hope it's not too much trouble. Thank you for anyone who can take the time to help me out!!
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