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  1. They don't interact with each other. Traits, moodlets, mechanics are exclusive from each other, they just share animation.
  2. Check this: Reddit I can't tell you if is a bug by EA or not, but hope that works
  3. Have you checked the installation routes? The newest versions of DD changed that a little. They are in the main post.
  4. Shift + click on the sim you want, click until Devious Desires menu and search for traits, in the same menu are rapist, victim and cum/milk production + knotted penis if you have those modules.
  5. I don't know why, I'm currently playing with both ww and dd and have no problem at all. If you want WW, you have to download MCCC If you want DD, you have to download every mod nutty have added to work with DD, he even created a version of MCCC because now they work separetely. Even the same animation works fine
  6. Do you have a romantic relationship with the other sim? If not, you can do this Shift + click on any sim > Configure mod settings > Devious Desires Settings > Global Settings > Sex Settings > Always accept normal sex
  7. So... I have DD AND WW and so far they both work, of course I installed DD, Sims4 Community Library, Deviant Core and Control Menu. They both work with Nisa's and Basemental Drugs and Gangs. WW works fine but I have an issue with animations, everytime I want to have sex with DD, I get a message of No Animation but DD does recognize the installed animation. When I get to solve this issue I'll post it. If someone know how to fix it, pls let me know. EDIT I used Cruxmyth Customizations from https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/18918-cruxmyth-customizations/ Basically adds the correct tag for any animation for DD
  8. Yeah, saw that too but for me is just envy. He wanted to be the first one and have the only adult mod, for me, this rant is just envy and frustration because he knows that ww is going down after HS patch
  9. Can you tell me where can I find all those cc?
  10. Same here, this last update really messed up with DD
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