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  1. Has anyone a problem with the fetishes not being saved? Whether I modify them in CAS or apply them as a template, they disappear as soon as I switch to another household. It's extremely frustrating as I must reapply the fetishes every single time I play a household. Thanks in advance for any help.
  2. Tremendous jump in performance! I didn't have a single game freeze since I updated the mod, so congratulations and a big thanks for your hard work. While it makes sense, I find the fetish lock behind traits a bit inconvenient though, because I can't work out how the traits really work. A sim could definitely enjoy both Dom and Sub if they have both traits, yet some bondage options are definitely blocked if the Sim has both. Would it be possible to toggle/untoggle the lock just like many other options of your mods?
  3. Thanks a whole bunch for taking the time to reply, really appreciated. I'd like to know how fetishes work because when I modify them on one of my sims either in CAS or through the 'modify fetishes' cheat and then play another household, I often find that their fetishes have changed over time when I play them again. For example one of them is a sub who likes to be dominated (got also every sub trait). As long as I play them directly no problem. However if I leave them alone and change household or world for a while, said sim suddenly developed another fetish in direct contradiction with what I had in mind for them. As much a as I appreciate a sim's dynamic evolution, I'd like to have the option to see the fetishes remain as is, not randomly modified when I'm not controlling them. I've set the 'random fetish attribution' to 0 but the mod still changes the existing fetishes for a reason I'm not yet able to perceive. Not a knock at your mod, I truly enjoy it and the support you give to us.
  4. Are there other piss animations other than Fouyaya's?
  5. The last update was a mighty improvement on every level, thanks! That said, is there any way to untie the dominate/submit to romantic involvement (understand fiancee/wife) ? I personally find it to be a quite unnecessary hurdle. Also how exactly does rape work?
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