Thanks a whole bunch for taking the time to reply, really appreciated.
I'd like to know how fetishes work because when I modify them on one of my sims either in CAS or through the 'modify fetishes' cheat and then play another household, I often find that their fetishes have changed over time when I play them again. For example one of them is a sub who likes to be dominated (got also every sub trait). As long as I play them directly no problem. However if I leave them alone and change household or world for a while, said sim suddenly developed another fetish in direct contradiction with what I had in mind for them.
As much a as I appreciate a sim's dynamic evolution, I'd like to have the option to see the fetishes remain as is, not randomly modified when I'm not controlling them. I've set the 'random fetish attribution' to 0 but the mod still changes the existing fetishes for a reason I'm not yet able to perceive.
Not a knock at your mod, I truly enjoy it and the support you give to us.