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  1. Something new is going on with my sims on vacation. The arousal is shooting up VERY quickly, no matter what setting I have for it. I had it at 0.02, changed to 0.001, no matter what, they go from like zero percent to nearly 100 percent within one (real time) minute, or less. No idea what is going on. I haven't had this happen before, and like I said, the arousal gain per second setting does not seem to matter. Any ideas? They are on a Granite Falls lot that has a clothing optional trait. It's a couple with their two almost young adult kids (like 1 day from aging up) and their bfs/gfs. Gonna make it hard to get any fishing or wild plant harvesting done. LOL Anyways. Help? Thanks
  2. Is DD compatible/working with the latest update (December 5, 2023)? I've been trying to find out but haven't yet found an answer. So I thought I'd post here. I don't want to update my game until I'm sure that all of my mods will be working, especially DD. :) Thanks!
  3. You shift-click on the sim, select Equipment, and select body parts. You'll find the option to change pubic hair there.
  4. I just recently installed the newest update (I know I'm a bit behind). I've posted about this before but don't think I got an answer. If any way possible, can someone walk me through the steps of customizing animations, particularly SOLO animations. Here is the issue. I have a variety of families, with straight couples and some gay MM couples. I set it up to allow sims with a penis to take actor slots requiring a vagina. The couple sex works, all animations (including MM, MF, even FF) are available and work the way they should. But when I start a solo animation (or they autonomously start one) for a male sim, only animations specified for male (M) are available. I have quite a few fetish teasing type animations that would work fine for either M or F, and I want to be able to use those, but they are not on the list to choose (when I click on the sim, DD, and change animation), specifically the scat and watersports ones. Here's what I have done so far. I removed all the checks on Breasts/Vagina/Penis, so the actor slot says "Any". I added flags (or whatever they are called) that are related to that particular animation/fetish. Like, feces source/provider or urine source/provider, and Urination on Objects, Defecation on Objects. I even tried to add tags that the ONE available animation had - like "Teasing" or "Foreplay", to make them look the same. Still, no change. The only available animation for Defecation on objects is a Lupobianco animation. And similar for Urination on Objects. I've got many others by Fouyaya but they don't show up. Or any other animators. What am I doing wrong? These used to work a long time ago, so I feel like there has to be something I'm missing. Thanks. EDITED to Add: I was reading Col Nutty's wiki site, and it said this: Criteria for defecation on objects to become available: Solo Manual Animations must be available and tagged for DEFECATION_ON_OBJECTS (Animation), FECES_SOURCE (Actor), and FECES_NON_BATHER (Actor (Copied and pasted it) - I don't see a Feces_non-Bather tag. Only these: Feces Bather Feces Consumer Feces Source/Provider The same for urination on object - tags are Urine Bather Urine Consumer Urine Source/Provider I did see there is a PUKE_NON_BATHER tag. Also some tags like these: MOTIVE_BOWELS_INCREASE, MOTIVE_BOWELS_DECREASE, MOTIVE_BLADDER_INCREASE, MOTIVE_BLADDER_DECREASE (AND no change for both). I wonder if adding these in would make it work? I'm looking on the list for the non_bather tags to see if maybe it's out of order or named something similar but different. EDITED AGAIN - Last Time... I wanted to add, in case in makes a difference in possibly determining what is going on....every time I make changes to animations in DD (like adding tags, changing actors, etc.), a message pops up after I back all the way out of the menu. It always says the same thing: 13924 out of 13963 animations have been loaded with 39 duplicate and 0 invalid items excluded. Animations may now be performed. Thank you for waiting. (Not sure if those numbers should be changing or not.) Thanks so much for any help. I'm sorry, I know I've posted about this in this thread several times. Rush
  5. Does the latest version of DD work with the latest TS4 update, ? I believe this update was on July 13th, and I waited a few days before updating my game. However, I had to remove DD because I ran into a lot of technical problems when I tried to play after the update (not necessarily related to sex, more like basic function problems, like I couldn't change my sim's outfit, for one). (And removing DD fixed all the issues I was having.) Just wondering if there was an update or if it is in the works. Thanks! Rush
  6. I may have asked this before but not sure. Does anyone know how to get these settings to work for SOLO animations? Configure Mod Settings ---> Deviant Core Settings ---> Sexual Organ Settings ---> Allow Sims Without a Vagina to Take Actor Slots Requiring a Vagina/Allow Sims Without Breasts to Take Actor Slots Requiring Breasts I can't get masturbation animations (like with Dildos or a statue) to be available for my male sims. It works for couple or group animations but not Solo/Masturbation ones. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I did modify actors on the animations and added PEN. I even took away VAG on some of them. Nothing changed. It just says no animations available when I try to start a solo animation that is marked for females for a male sim. Thanks in advance. Rush
  7. Hello there. I think they say that because there are no specific interactions for them created by Col. Nutty in the mod. Like Pet Play, it does not say Not Implemented, and there are some actions you can do with your human "pet" - leash them, take them for a walk, encourage them to potty on the ground (I think, haven't actually tried that LOL, but I'd like to see what it does.) Anyway, hope this helps explain a little about Not Implemented.
  8. Hello - I've come across a new issue. It doesn't happen every time. Occasionally after DD sex, my sims will lose their bottom clothing and shoes. I have to go into CAS to reassign them pants/shorts/skirts and shoes. For whatever outfit they had on before starting sex, that's the outfit that is affected. I was looking for an updated version of DD but the latest I found was from November 7. Has anyone else run into this problem? It's fixable at least, for sims I am currently playing. But if it happens to a NPC (even if it's one of my sims I'm not playing at the time), it's a bit annoying. And sometimes I'm not even aware of it happening to others, until I see a sim walking or running around half naked. LOL Thanks!
  9. This drove me nuts as well. Here is my workaround: I set up all new teens with a sexperience level of 7. I use MCCC for changing their skill levels. I set up young adults, particularly those who have been sexually active with a partner, to level 8. Married elders get level 10, as a gift :) If I make sure that they're both getting oral pleasure and vaginal/anal pleasure during their DD sex time, that usually prevents the Poor Sex moodlet from appearing. Sometimes I get Poor sex if just one sim is getting most of the pleasure. However, if by chance I do get a Poor Sex moodlet (which is very rarely), I'll Shift click on the partner sim and then Cheat Relationship, Remove Relationship Bit, then find the Poor Sex and click to remove it. You might have to try this with each sim to find it. So far this works for me. I'm not sure if it will help you, or if you have an error going on. It's kind of frustrating trying to build a relationship when having sex makes them uncomfortable around each other, so I figured I'd just have to cheat my way through to be able to move forward.
  10. I've got a new thing happening. (RE my above post, somehow that worked out and fixed itself. Nope, I have no idea how but that's all good LOL) So now the current issue. I have it set up to Allow Sims with Penis to Take Actor Slots Requiring a Vagina. This is now under Deviant Core, where it was elsewhere in DD settings before. This works fine for all animations except for solos (masturbation). Is there any way to set this up so works for solo animations as well, like it used to? I also selected Allow Sims WIthout Breast to Take Actor Slots Requiring Breasts. But I still can only play non-vag animations in solo sex. I want to be able to play any and all of them, whether solo or multi-sim sex. Thanks!
  11. Hello, I have a new issue. The last few times I've had Sims do DD sex, it ends abruptly, sometimes after only a few seconds. I had Deviant Core set to 360 sim minutes. I just changed it to 420, might try 600. Am I calculating the time correctly? I want it to last about 6-8 minutes real time. But it ends very quickly, with neither of them reaching orgasm. I tried checking End sex after each sim reaches orgasm in the DD settings, but that didn't effect it. It still ended after only a few seconds, and their desires are both still very high. So no orgasm. One - a 3some - ended after 2 and a half minutes, not all sims reached orgasm. The last, a couple on the cruciform cross ended after 38 seconds when I tried to change the animation. Any ideas why this could be happening? Thanks!
  12. Hello Col Nutty and everyone! I'm liking the new changes in DD. I have a question. Does anyone know of any animations out there (and the authors if so) for the watching defecation/urination scenarios? For example - Sim 1 starts a solo defecation animation, and then Sim 2 has the option to watch it. But if I (on Sim 2) click on Sim 1 and choose Watch (defecation), it says "No animations found" They can "watch sex" from DD menu, but then Sim 2 just stands outside the room and cheers and claps, which seems really weird to me for this particular scenario. I'd love to see him look and then start masturbating or something. This was on the toilet. Maybe I need to move Sim 1 to the floor? I know Fouyaya has these "peeper" animations. Would something like that work for this? Or are there other new animations that have been created since the new DD version? *YES both sims have high numbers in the Defecation on Sims/Defecation on Objects/Feces Consumption fetishes for this particular action. And the Animations are tagged correctly. Thank you as always! PS...I'm really sorry I can't access the Discord page. Everytime I try to create an account it says my email is already registered, even though it isn't (far as I'm aware).
  13. I got it to work! I removed EVERYTHING related to DD, mod settings menu, and S4CL from mods and moved it all over again. That seemed to fix it. Thank you anyways!
  14. Finally getting around to downloading latest version of DD. Also just installed the crappy TS4 update, 1.9 something. I downloaded all of the required files and put directly into my mods folder (no extra folders). But I keep getting this exception error (see below), and DD is disabled. [DeviousDesires_4.3.2] 2022-07-27 14:27:41.127096 Traceback (most recent call last): File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\areaserver.py", line 117, in wrapped File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\areaserver.py", line 113, in finally_wrap File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Core\sims4\utils.py", line 157, in wrapper File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Core\sims4\utils.py", line 175, in wrapper File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\areaserver.py", line 365, in c_api_client_connect File "sims4communitylib\utils\common_injection_utils.py", line 127, in _wrapped_function File "sims4communitylib\events\zone_spin\common_zone_spin_event_dispatcher.py", line 76, in _common_on_late_zone_load File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\zone.py", line 577, in do_zone_spin_up File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\zone_spin_up_service.py", line 1587, in update File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\zone_spin_up_service.py", line 236, in on_enter File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\household_manager.py", line 88, in load_households File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\household_manager.py", line 181, in _load_household_from_household_proto File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\household.py", line 1427, in load_data File "sims4communitylib\utils\common_injection_utils.py", line 127, in _wrapped_function File "sims4communitylib\events\sim\common_sim_event_dispatcher.py", line 178, in _common_on_sim_load File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\sim_info.py", line 3331, in load_sim_info File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\sim_info.py", line 3502, in _load_sim_info File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\traits\trait_tracker.py", line 1125, in load File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\aging\aging_mixin.py", line 475, in _update_age_trait File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\occult\sim_info_with_occult_tracker.py", line 74, in add_trait File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\traits\trait_tracker.py", line 78, in add_trait File "sims4communitylib\utils\common_injection_utils.py", line 127, in _wrapped_function File "sims4communitylib\events\sim\common_sim_event_dispatcher.py", line 241, in _common_on_sim_trait_added File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\traits\trait_tracker.py", line 558, in _add_trait File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\traits\trait_tracker.py", line 920, in _add_buffs File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\objects\components\__init__.py", line 470, in exported_func File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\objects\components\buff_component.py", line 347, in add_buff File "sims4communitylib\utils\common_injection_utils.py", line 108, in _wrapped_function File "sims4communitylib\exceptions\common_exceptions_handler.py", line 40, in log_exception File "sims4communitylib\utils\common_injection_utils.py", line 103, in _wrapped_function File "deviousdesires\nudity_system\event_handlers\_on_sim_end_sleep.py", line 66, in _dd_on_sim_mood_changed File "deviousdesires\settings\setting_utils.py", line 34, in is_enabled_for_interactions File "deviousdesires\settings\setting_utils.py", line 58, in get_available_genders TypeError: get_all() got an unexpected keyword argument 'exclude_values' Error occurred while injecting into function '_dd_on_sim_mood_changed' of class 'BuffComponent' -> TypeError: get_all() got an unexpected keyword argument 'exclude_values' What am I missing? Let me know if you need to see my mods folder, and I'll try to paste that on here. But I did move over everything just into the mods folder, not into separate or additional folders. Thanks in advance for your help!
  15. I am so sorry I keep posting on here; I just don't know where else to ask, and my hours of Google searching has brought up no answers. I may just have to delete the DD mod, which I really hate becuase I was enjoying it before the latest update. So this just happened. Sim had arousal percent approaching 75. So I had him call and invite his boyfriend over. Then right as he knocked on the door, the first sim goes and asks his father for sex (which dad accepted). I stopped the sex and had him go talk to the boyfriend. After a few social interactions, the first sim goes over and asks his ghost grandfather for sex (which again like the father, grandfather accepted), leading to two very angry and very sad significant others. I don't like that they choose family members for sex and not the spouse or boyfriend/girlfriend, especially when they are standing right in front of them. YES their relationships were fine, great even. NO none of the sims had incest trait or incest fetish. And the sentiments are beyond annoying. No matter what the skill level it seems there is still a chance to get the poor or terrible sex moodlet, which I can't figure out how to remove once it is there. And from what I can tell, there is no way to improve sexpertise, other than cheating it through MCCC or having bad sex experiences and therefore havng a hard time in what was once a great relationship.....
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