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Everything posted by Finn

  1. I am using both with no problems. Make sure you have the latest versions of everything installed. Also, show us exactly what sort of errors and exceptions you receive. Otherwise, we can only guess what the problem may be.
  2. You are the first in the history of modding to use the word 'trash' for the impact a mod has on a game. I get it. You're mad for the quality of the service provided to you. I suggest you ask for a refund. I'm sure you can do better in your choice of words. Most likely you didn't pay attention to the installation instructions and messed everything up. Keep looking! Again, keep looking. You'll get there eventually. I never experienced that. You must have messed the installation pretty bad. Do you also have opinions of your own? I would like to hear some. Nevermind, scrap that. Don't blame the mod for your incompetence to follow simple instructions. There is your solution. This last sentence should have been your whole post.
  3. That is a really mean thing to do. DD and WW complement each other so well. The fact that someone tries to make so the two dont work with each other, just shows how stupid and greedy some people can be. Sims 4 needs DD just as much it needs WW. Although both are about sex, they have completely different ways of handling the sex experience. It's a shame to see people acting this low.
  4. I had this problem too with custom traits. I decided to remove them all and stick with the vanilla ones. In my game sims' profiles wouldn't open at all. The sims with vanilla traits were fine though.
  5. Hi everyone. First off, congratulations ColonolNutty for creating this marvelous mod. Far superior to Wicked Whims in every single way. I do have one question though. Two actually. Is it possible to have sim arousal and cum percentage update faster? I have 4 sims visiting my house. It has been 3 days now and all 4 have remained with the same arousal. More or less. Well, it hasn't raised above 75% anyway. So noone had sex with anyone. From what I've read in the mod description sex occurs only when arousal is above 75%. And it takes 3 sim days to become aroused. In real life that would be imaginable. In my game, I want my sims to be hornier than that and have their arousal reach the maximum levels in let's say 2-3 hours top. Maybe that's already possible but I don't know how yet. I'm still reading the mod description as I'm still learning about the mechanics of DD. As for my second question, is it possible for male sims to have cum inflation? As in become inflated as a result of receiving the cum from another male sim either by mouth or ass. If yes, how? PS: after playing a little, cum inflation works fine. As for the arousal, I'm still trying to figure out what's happening there. I read though the messages and decided to give DD test version a try for higher autonomy. It was the advice given to another user. PS2: DD test build gave me all the answers I was looking for. Awesome. On an unrelated note, I'm really happy this mod exists. Keep up the good work guys.
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