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Status Updates posted by LadySmoks

  1. I want to take time to say thank you to CmarNYC, for all the wonderful mods and tools over the many years. I heard rumors, but just avoided confirming for myself that Cmar had passed, but saw today, and can't deny it any longer. I'm very sad now.

    1. LadySmoks


      Anyone who likes my work should also admire what CmarNYC means to TS3 modding. Everything that I make is done with one of Cmar's tools along the way.

  2. So, today's fun was to take a 24" TV monitor from my sis-in-law's storage (she got it for mom-in-law after dad-in-law passed, so we have a key) and use that as a monitor for the busted-ass Acer, so I can put my files on thumbdrive.

    On my second go around with that. Set it and forget it? Not if you do not change power settings and the laptop shuts down!

    So, restart everything and watch that lovely blue circle spin! Hoefully, I have everything set correctly this time, and my 211 GB of workshop files will be on thumbdrive... in 10 hrs or so.

    Yup, bought a 256 GB thumbdrive on Amazon just for this reason! I still have not decided, but I may simply leave the workshop on the drive, and do my work that way. Of course, I need to delete unnecessary junk and compress other stuff to clear space.


    So, I do not call him at work regarding my little dramas, and we do the "How was your day, baby?", when he gets home. Thankfully, he had an okay day at work, as again, I won't bother him with my little dramas if his day went sideways. So, I told him that the laptop screen went gray. He thought about it, went to the fridge for a beer, came back and said to grab the hdmi cable in the drawer next to the bed, and plug the laptop into the TV. He scrolled the mouse so it would be in the top right corner, then down a bit and click.

    My laptop displayed on the TV monitor!!! Plugged in that thumbdrive and copied a bunch of game files, which I transferred to the Asus... again. It is only a 256 GB SSD, so my workshop files will have to go on this laptop, but I worked on here before. My just leave them on the thumbdrive, and work from there? But, that will be for tomorrow.

    Tonight, I am gonna ride that man like a hardtail Harley on a bad piece of road!!!!!!!!!!! 😄

  4. A horrible day (again)!!! 

    My husband refuses to touch me. 😭 Apparently, he got poison ivy on his hands somehow! OY!!! Guess I will be doing ALL the work for a while... not THAT unusual, but........ 😒

    To make matters worse, my gaming laptop died... AGAIN! That good old Acer Nitro which with all the money spent to fix it, could have bought a top line laptop. This time, we saw it coming, and as the local repair shop failed the last time, and my husband ended up fixing it, he had ordered parts from Amazon several weeks ago. But, laptop = made in China = Joe Biden's supply chain that is still broken = we expect (hope) to get the parts some time in September... I think of 2022, but you can never be sure at this point.

    So, while waiting for hinges and a new bezel, the screen now went to gray with horizontal streaks. Lovely. What comes next is my fault...

    Again, a few weeks ago, I got a 64 GB thumbdrive, with intention of putting EVERYTHING from the Acer on it. AND.... that never happened. So, my game and my work are locked inside. YAY for me!!!

  5. Added a remake of one old package on my fashion blog page. Juggling 100 things, but got one done!

  6. An apology to everyone who downloaded The Flintstones set. Apparently, I forgot to add the pregnant morph to Betty Bottom. It's fixed, and instructions on replacing the old file are on that download page. Sorry!!!

    Why didn't anyone tell me??? Your Betty never got knocked up either???????? 🤪


  7. Dear admin, I see new porn ads. I get it, they keep the site going. But... please, please, PLEASE... no Brazzzers with sloppy people who over-act, as if they were first in class (or maybe failed) at William Shatner school of Over-Acting!!!

    PS, I like Shatner, but do have limits! 🤔😒🤪

  8. Always trying to learn new tricks, and always working on something...

    There remain some limits on what I can do with FemmeBots, but one barrier is being torn down. As the MMD model conversions have stalled, due to pesky bone/ EA rig alignment issues, I stumbled on a bit of a break through regarding basic bot design... "Skin jobs"!



    I have had a body that uses Sims CAS skin choices for a while, but never figured out how to make the head work... Still in development, but going well!

  9. Always learning old tricks! Just found out that you can change object script in TSRW. I'm sure this is no surprise to object makers, but was quite the pleasant surprise to this little dress maker!!! So, now the dead Justina has script of an urnstone/ gravestone, and Sims can mourn her. )))

    Well, back to dresses and bots!

  10. The Dragon's Heart...


    There is a tragic story, why Vlad became a vampire... her name was Justina Szilagyi... his wife...

    Interesting characters can keep a crappy old, under-powered, 20 yo game fun to play. 🙂

  11. Remeshing and updating my older content goes well, but slowly. Painting bones and adjusting vertices on morph meshes takes a little time and testing to get them as good as I think I can get them. I hope to have a few ready soon, but as often happens, I was distracted by... "SQUIRREL!!!"

    I play vampires in Sims 3, and have long had the long lost daughter of Vlad Tepes as the "keeper of peace" at my vampire lounge. Well, I recently decided that I need Vladislav Tepes in my world, and set out to make him. A TS4 to TS3 conversion and finishing a couple of other things I had, and...


    Working on Justina (dead wife) in a glass casket. Hope the poly count doesn't crash my game!

  12. Well, my first upload ever was an open bottom version of Lolita Maid outfit, originally by Lemonleaf. It will always be special to me... BUT... 

    As JoshQ was very much teaching me at that time, I asked him to look at it and tell me everything he saw wrong. Constructive criticism is how you improve! He pointed out a few things, that I worked on with ongoing projects, but never did go back to fix Lolita Maid... until now. )

    So, that's what I'm working on. A remesh of my remesh, fixing seams and bone weights. Hope to have both the new YA/A and teen versions ready very soon, along with more of my old content to reload here.

  13. Though not active on LL, I keep tabs. I find it necessary to make note of a thread by Nonsequitur. Cannot ignore it! I know that he has logged into LL many times since I left... I guess to be certain the coast was clear, as cowards do.

     He begins is little whine, fully referencing me, knowing I am not there to respond, and continues to do so in several of his comments.

    He whines about being called out for theft. His last was minor, but was the final straw. In the past, I simply never bothered to share my work after he would make a sloppy version and upload a couple of days after stealing my idea. Last was one I posted a few pics and said that "this is a WIP..." And a few days later... there would be his version.

    I could not believe that he claimed to have mentored me!!! JoshQ was, and always will be my mentor. I opened a thread asking how to make open bottomed garments, and JoshQ replied. That thread continued for quite a while, with my questions and JoshQ's answers. That would be mentoring. Some I got, some no... some were face slap 1 year later. Nonsequitur joined that thread. Perhaps suggesting things, but none that I used, as the results were... not so good.


    During time on that thread, is when the stealing began. I posted a Blender image of a male kit I was working on, to show Josh. A few days later, Nonsequitur uploaded a kilt. I never bothered to upload mine, as it felt like people would think I was stealing his ideas. So, my next project was an outfit to upgrade my Harley Quinn (LOVE HER!) I made the mistake of showing Josh what my plans were. This time, Nonsequitur actually announced that he was going to make a Harley outfit also... and chose the same that I was working on. 

    I felt competetive, and thought to show off the multiplier I was working on. Nonsequitur copied the image, used it for his project, uploaded it, and PM'd him about stealing it, actually BITCHED that he had to resize it so he could use it!

    Believe it or not, he was not the main reason I left LL, but certainly a contributing factor. Now he whines about drama queens and trolls (he was listed as one of MY followers, so he could basically stalk me on the threads, I guess), and how he is not motivated to create, because I called him out.

    I saw that both @Kendo 2 and @ritualclarity had posted on that thread. Both, referencing aspects of "trolls" and how they operate... some, to make a seemingly vague post, but obvious to one being talked about (in this case, believing it to be behind her back), as I was the only person I know of to remove all of her content from LL in the passed week, which Nonsequitur referenced.

    That is my RANT!!! I will go breathe now, and enjoy some chilled vodka! 😇

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. LadySmoks


      CPU PM'd me, I think, Friday or perhaps Saturday, after I had already deleted everything and that what provoked me to leave had been readdressed and handled a bit differently. I thought it nice of him.

      I read more on the troll thread today. Still playing wounded bird! Something about the TS4 to TS3 conversions I did, as if I stole his idea somehow. You work meshes? The body meshes are TS3, and textures realigned to match. Bottoms are similar, but each custom... cut the meshes and made belts and utility bags as 3d parts using extrude area. Converted same boot mesh for both. Converted a helmet, and made a shield. Used technique that Josh showed me to blend the texture seams, arms, hands, fingers and legs in Blender. FYI, Captain America and Winter Soldier (Ami Swift TS4 TSR). WS, I made a low poly holster and a Markaov pistol converted from a mesh from a Russian 3d model site. 3rd of that set was a remake of Black Widow by MsBlue (TSR). Added holster and pistols and a little mesh work. Remade the boots in height altering style, like JoshQ. 4th is one I worked on for a little more than 2 yrs... TS3 conversion of Ami Swift's TS4 Wonder Woman... outfit, boots cut as 3d and height alter, 3d tiara, sword in shield on her back, 3d harness, lasso as part of outfit because of TS3 polycount issues... and I remade hair! All morphs work, no small parts exploding... Each morph was adjusted in pieces on several parts of the meshes, then assembled. 

      The way he tried to make it sound, I stole his idea and made all that to one up him! Overnight? ))) Pitiful. And I just moved along. It is becoming a train wreck. None that I saw on that thread are even TS3 regulars.

      Modders corner could work, although for me, I had a couple of people that I trusted with experimental things to help me test. FemmeBot was a major success! I did not have all EPs when I began her, but a friend did, and tested her in things I could not. Kinky World has a "sexbot" chip, that when installed to a Plumbot, it can have sex. )) So, I made a Plumbot that looks more like a Sim. She will have a new home here, along with her sisters. I used to help on TS3 questions if I could. I saw that a person had a laptop crash, or something and needed to re-download my bots. When I put them here, I will login and invite him here. )

      I hope that I can pull users here. I am far from the greatest, but Josh also posts on LL, so people do not have to come here. Not sure but I think Erin's last post here is not on LL. Not bragging, as it was a big surprise to me when I saw it, but MurfeeL had blogged a few of my things. I did contact her to say that I will be here. I love her work!!!

    3. ritualclarity


      Mod corner is a thank you for the modders of the site. It is open and a chance for me to learn some features of the site. You don't have to use it if it doesn't work for you.


    4. LadySmoks
  14. Okay, I have Harley here with me now! 🤪

  15. To anyone who may follow me here from LL, 

    Thank you for supporting me. I am definitely taking a break from making anything for a while. I plan to eventually get set up here, and reopen The LadySmoks Boutique in the coming weeks. It is always difficult moving, as there are some at LL who I already miss. 😢 


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ErinC


      Hi LS! Read what happened, so I followed your example and made the switch. Will start to re-upload my content when I get time. In the meantime, take all the time you need!

    3. LadySmoks


      Hi Erin! I hope you did not delete everything as I did? Glad to see you here though! TS3 does not seem to be big here at all. I think only JoshQ before. I had known he also posted here for a while, but never signed up, as he posts same on LL. I also posted a new thread here, for anyone from any game to share screenshots, hoping to get people to open up a little. ))) 

    4. ritualclarity


      @LadySmoks You do what you need to do to make yourself happy. If it is here, there, or elsewhere. We are that type of site. I know of some that have deleted their accounts and then later opened another one with a different name to PM and communicate and get a mod or two but not to be as active as they were. Also helps a bit to keep the general population from knowing who you are if you have issues with some members.

      @ErinC WE are happy to have you here as well if you like the environment and the way we do things. We strive to be as open as possible.

      To both... we are very open and free community however, if someone starts shit on your mod/support thread. Let us know. If someone starts shit elsewhere.  You are welcome to tell them off.  Also, Sims (either 3 or 4) is pretty light here. Recently we got another mod sex framework so Sims is growing.. all be it slowly.

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